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Prevalence and clinical relevance of helminth and tuberculosis co-infections in urban Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Publications)
The role of night clubs in urban Dar es Salaam for tuberculosis transmission: using carbon dioxide levels and re-breathed shared air to estimate... (Publications)
Occurrence of and risk factors for <em>Strongyloides stercoralis</em> infection globally and in South-East Asia (Publications)
Climate variability, the population's epidemiological profile, and risk factors in Korhogo, northern Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
Medical geography (Publications)
Ausbruchsuntersuchung "Campylobacteriosis in Switzerland": determinants of the campylobacter winter peak. Schlussbericht / Final report (Publications)
Identification of potential tuberculosis vaccine antigens by integrating population genomics and immunology (Publications)
Analyse von Verkehrsströmen an ausgewählten intermodalen Knotenpunkten in der Schweiz (Publications)
Das Bewegungsverhalten von Primarschulkindern in der Schweiz (Publications)
Community awareness, experience and preference for use of pandemic influenza vaccines in Pune, India (Publications)