Absence of dry season <em>Plasmodium</em> parasitaemia, but high rates of reported acute respiratory infection and diarrhoea in presschool-aged... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The epidemiology of malaria in the Senegal River Gorgol valley, southern Mauritania, requires particular attention in the face of ongoing and predicted environmental and climate changes. W
Development of an in vitro drug sensitivity assay for <em>Trichuris muris</em> first-stage larvae (Publications)
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Trichuriasis represents a major public health problem in the developing world and is regarded as a neglected disease. Albendazole and mebendazole, the two drugs of choice against
Self-rated quality of life and school performance in relation to helminth infections: case study from Yunnan, People's Republic of China (Publications)
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Expert opinion-derived disability weights are widely employed for estimating the global burden of diseases and injuries. For chronic diseases such as soil-transmitted helminthias
Generalized seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average models for count data with application to malaria time series with low case numbers (Publications)
INTRODUCTION: With the renewed drive towards malaria elimination, there is a need for improved surveillance tools. While time series analysis is an important tool for surveillance, prediction and for