Micro-scale investigation of intestinal schistosomiasis transmission on Ngamba and Kimi islands, Lake Victoria, Uganda (Publications)
A study to investigate the effect of environmental predictors on abundance of Biomphalaria, the intermediate host snails of Schistosoma mansoni, was carried out on two small islands in Lake Victoria,
Cytochrome P450 6M2 from the malaria vector <em>Anopheles gambiae</em> metabolizes pyrethroids: sequential metabolism of deltamethrin revealed (Publications)
Resistance to pyrethroid insecticides in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae is a major threat to malaria control programmes. Cytochome P450-mediated detoxification is an important resistance mechani
Three cases of intestinal capillariasis in Lao People's Democratic Republic (Publications)
Capillaria philippinensis is a rare zoonotic intestinal parasite that emerged in the 1960s. The outcome of intestinal capillariasis may be fatal if untreated in due time. We report three cases of inte
The distribution of <em>Biomphalaria</em> (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) in Lake Victoria with ecological and spatial predictions using Bayesian modelling (Publications)
Intestinal schistosomiasis is a global disease of enormous public health importance. Assessing the local risk of transmission of the parasite causing the disease requires an appraisal of the distribut
FLOTAC for the diagnosis of <em>Hymenolepis spp.</em> infection: proof-of-concept and comparing diagnostic accuracy with other methods (Publications)
Hymenolepis nana is the most common cestode parasitizing humans, yet it is under-diagnosed. We determined the optimal flotation solution (FS) for the diagnosis of this intestinal parasite with the FLO