Spatial patterns of <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> transmission explored by multivariate auto-regressive state-space modelling - a case study in Baoshan... (Publications)
The transition from the control phase to elimination of malaria in China through the national malaria elimination programme has focussed attention on the need for improvement of the surveillance- resp
Comparative study of free-roaming domestic dog management and roaming behavior across four countries: Chad, Guatemala, Indonesia, and Uganda (Publications)
Dogs play a major role in public health because of potential transmission of zoonotic diseases, such as rabies. Dog roaming behavior has been studied worldwide, including countries in Asia, Latin Amer
Sub-lethal aquatic doses of pyriproxyfen may increase pyrethroid resistance in malaria mosquitoes (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Pyriproxyfen (PPF), an insect growth hormone mimic is widely used as a larvicide and in some second-generation bed nets, where it is combined with pyrethroids to improve impact. It has als
Pre-ulcerative leishmaniasis mimicking chilblains in a returning traveler from Southern Europe (Publications)
Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania and typically manifests as multiple or single ulcers or papulo-nodular lesions. Atypical lesions are rare but can simulate a
A cohort study of survival following discharge from hospital in rural Tanzanian children using linked data of admissions with community-based... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: To illustrate the public health potential of linking individual bedside data with community-based household data in a poor rural setting, we estimated excess pediatric mortality risk after
Patients with severe schistosomiasis mansoni in Ituri Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Severe hepatosplenic complications arise in patients with chronic Schistosoma mansoni infection after heavy exposure to disease agents in endemic areas. These complications are rarely repo
Short term associations of ambient nitrogen dioxide with daily total, cardiovascular, and respiratory mortality: multilocation analysis in 398 cities (Publications)
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the short term associations between nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and total, cardiovascular, and respiratory mortality across multiple countries/regions worldwide, using a uniform anal
Priority setting in HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria - new cost-effectiveness results from WHO-CHOICE (Publications)
BACKGROUND: This paper forms part of an update of the World Health Organization Choosing Interventions that are Cost-Effective (WHO-CHOICE) programmes. It provides an assessment of global health syste
Impact of seven years of mass drug administration and recrudescence of <em>Schistosoma haematobium</em> infections after one year of treatment gap in... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: Considerable progress towards the elimination of urogenital schistosomiasis was made by the Zanzibar Elimination of Schistosomiasis Transmission project from 2012 till 2016, when biannual