Spatial variability of nitrogen dioxide and formaldehydeand residential exposure of children in the industrial area of Viadana, Northern Italy (Publications)
Chipboard production is a source of ambient air pollution. We assessed the spatial variability of outdoor pollutants and residentialexposure of children living in proximity to the largest chipboard in
Community transmission of SARS-CoV‑2 by surfaces: risks and risk reduction strategies (Publications)
SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, isperceived to be primarily transmitted via person-to-person contact throughdroplets produced while talking, coughing, and sneezing. Transm
Structure-activity relationships of cinnamate ester analogues as potent antiprotozoal agents (Publications)
Protozoal infections are still a global health problem, threatening the lives of millions of people around the world, mainly in impoverished tropical and sub-tropical regions. Thus, in view of the lac
Fine-scale distribution of malaria mosquitoes biting or resting outside human dwellings in three low-altitude Tanzanian villages (Publications)
BACKGROUND: While malaria transmission in Africa still happens primarily inside houses, there is a substantial proportion of Anopheles mosquitoes that bite or rest outdoors. This situation may comprom
Evaluation of drug susceptibility profile of <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</em> lineage 1 from Brazil based on whole genome sequencing and phenotypic... (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The evaluation of procedures for drug susceptibility prediction of Mycobacterium tuberculosis based on genomic data against the conventional reference method test based on culture is reali
<em>Plasmodium berghei </em>subunit vaccine: repeat synthetic peptide of circumsporozoite protein comprising T- and B-cell epitopes fails to confer... (Publications)
In the murine malaria model induced by Plasmodium berghei, we studied the immunogenicity of the repeat region of the circumsporozoite (CS) protein, which is the main target of the antibody response in
A stable, oligosymptomatic malaria focus in Thailand (Publications)
Blood from most of the 250 residents of a non-migratory farming village in south-eastern Thailand was visually examined for malaria parasites monthly for 2 years. Nearly 97% of the population had at l
Prisons as ecological drivers of fitness-compensated multidrug-resistant <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</em> (Publications)
Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) accounts for one third of the annual deaths due to antimicrobial resistance(1). Drug resistance-conferring mutations frequently cause fitness costs in bacteri