Global, regional, national, and selected subnational levels of stillbirths, neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality, 1980-2015: a systematic analysis... (Publications)
FINDINGS: Globally, 5.8 million (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 5.7-6.0) children younger than 5 years died in 2015, representing a 52.0% (95% UI 50.7-53.3) decrease in the number of under-5 deaths since 1990 [...] under-5 mortality. Third, we analysed levels and cause compositions of under-5 mortality, across time and geographies, as they related to rising SDI. Finally, we decomposed the changes in under-5 mortality [...] under-5 mortality, as well as differences in observed and expected rates...
Genome-wide association studies identify CHRNA5/3 and HTR4 in the development of airflow obstruction (Publications)
includes AGPHD1, IREB2, and CHRNA5/CHRNA3 genes. The region was also modestly associated among never smokers. Gene expression studies confirmed the presence of CHRNA5/3 in lung, airway smooth muscle, and [...] replicated in the COPD meta-analysis. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest an important role for the CHRNA5/3 region as a genetic risk factor for airflow obstruction that may be independent of smoking and implicate
Genomic distribution and functional characterisation of two distinct and conserved <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> var gene 5' flanking sequences (Publications)
conserved types of 5' upstream regions (var17-type and 5B1-type) of var genes, and suggest that most subtelomeric var genes are flanked by a var17-type 5' upstream sequence. In contrast, 5B1-type 5' upstream are [...] that var genes flanked by either type of 5' upstream sequence are transcribed in in vitro cultured trophozoite stage parasites. In addition, we have shown that the 5' flanking sequences of four different
Levels of physical activity and sedentary time among 10- to 12-year-old boys and girls across 5 European countries using accelerometers: an... (Publications)
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The study aim was to objectively assess levels of sedentary time, light, moderate and vigorous physical activity (PA) among 10-12 year olds across five European countries and to
Source apportionment of ambient PM2.5 at five spanish centres of the european community respiratory health survey (ECRHS II) (Publications)
clearly observed in PM2.5. Multi-linear regression analysis (MLRA) was applied to the data, showing that traffic was the main source of PM2.5 at the five sites (39-53% of PM2.5, 5.1-12.0 mgm [...] particulate matter (PM2.5) was sampled at 5 Spanish locations during the European Community Respiratory Health Survey II (ECRHS II). In an attempt to identify and quantify PM2.5 sources, source contribution [...] analysis (PCA) was performed on five datasets containing elemental composition of PM2.5...
Source apportionment of PM2.5 and selected hazardous air pollutants in Seattle (Publications)
with the PM(2.5) data, the models identified that wood burning (24%-31%), secondary sulfate (20%-24%) and secondary nitrate (15%-20%) were the main contributors to PM(2.5). Using only PM(2.5) data, the model [...] of combining the speciated PM(2.5) and VOCs data in source apportionment analysis for identification of additional sources remain unclear. We analyzed the speciated PM(2.5) and VOCs data collected at the [...] constraint. When both PM(2.5) and VOCs data were used, one additional...
Natural history of primary eosinophilic esophagitis: a follow-up of 30 adult patients for up to 11.5 years (Publications)
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Primary eosinophilic esophagitis is a chronic, increasingly recognized, interleukin 5-driven inflammatory disorder of the esophagus. The leading symptom in adults is uniform attacks of dysphagia
Synthesis and in vitro antiprotozoal activities of 5-phenyliminobenzo[a]phenoxazine derivatives (Publications)
donovani and Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense. N,N-Diethyl-5-((4-methoxyphenyl)imino)-5H-benzo[a]phenoxazin-9-amine shows IC(50)=0.040mumolL(-1) with a selective index of 1425 against Plasmodium falciparum K1 [...] A series of 5-phenyliminobenzo[a]phenoxazine derivatives were synthesized. The in vitro antiprotozoal activities were evaluated against Plasmodium falciparum K1, Trypanosoma cruzi, Leishmania donovani
Associations between infections and clinical outcome parameters in status epilepticus: a retrospective 5-year cohort study (Publications)
ICU stay (p = 0.0041), higher risk of RSE (odds ratio [OR] 4.8, p = 0.0002), and higher mortality (OR 5.2, p = 0.0003) than those without infectious complications. Infections during the first 3 days after