Discordances in the application of different criteria for quantification of paediatric abdominal obesity: an analysis of two Swiss studies (Publications)
abdominal obesity varied between 3.1 and 49.4% in boys, and 4.7 and 55.5% in girls (Ballabeina), and between 1.8 and 36.3% in boys and 4.5 and 37.3% in girls (KISS). Among children considered as abdominally [...] 190 girls and 162 boys (Ballabeina), and from 134 girls and 113 boys (Kinder-Sportstudie, KISS) aged 5-11 years were used. TBF was assessed by bioimpedance (Ballabeina) or dual energy X-ray absorption (KISS)
Inflammatory response and IgE sensitization at early age (Publications)
concentrations (sIgE) at the age of one and 4.5 yr. Analyses were made by logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: The risk of allergic sensitization at the age of 4.5 yr was decreased in children who had increased [...] and the development of allergic sensitization, atopic dermatitis (AD), and asthma at the age of 4.5 yr. METHODS: We studied 636 children participating in the PASTURE study in Finland, Germany, Austria
Potential impact of climate change on schistosomiasis: a global assessment attempt (Publications)
CMIPs are designed to improve the workings of the GCMs. We chose RCP4.5 which represented a medium GHG emission increase and CMIP5, the most recently completed CMIP phase. Combining this meteorological [...] Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts that global, average temperatures will increase by at least 1.5 degrees C in the near future and more by the end of the century if greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions
Estimating particulate exposure from modern municipal waste incinerators in Great Britain (Publications)
modeled PM10 concentrations were 1.00 x 10-5 to 5.53 x 10-2 mug m-3, a small contribution to ambient background levels which were typically 6.59-2.68 x 101 mug m-3, 3-5 orders of magnitude higher. While low
Assessing health risk due to exposure to arsenic in drinking water in Hanam province, Vietnam (Publications)
tube-well water for drinking purpose were 25.3 × 10-5 (using only well water) and 7.6 × 10-5 (using both well and rain water). The skin cancer risk would be 11.5 times higher if the water was not filtered. I
Resttaschentiefe nach parodontaler Regenerationstherapie: klinische Relevanz und Interpretation von Meta-Analyse-Daten (Publications)
remaining periodontal pockets of more than 3 respectively 5 mm after active therapy. The probability of remaining periodontal pockets over 3 respectively 5 mm was significantly higher after periodontal flap procedure [...] with GTR on average 57% and with the use of enamel maxtrix derivatives 74%. Using the cut-off value of 5 mm this probability was reduced to 8 and 17%, respectively. A new clinical attachment that was less
Risk factors for helminth infections in a rural and a peri-urban setting of the Dongting Lake area, People's Republic of China (Publications)
prevalences of single infections of S. japonicum, A. lumbricoides, hookworm and T. trichiura were 6.5%, 5.5%, 3.0% and 0.8%, respectively; the majority of the infections were of light intensity. We found
Consistency in preventing voluntary dehydration in boys who drink a flavored carbohydrate-NaCl beverage during exercise in the heat (Publications)
sessions (three 20-min cycling bouts at 50% VO2max with 5 min rest in between) over a 2-week period at 35 +/- 1 degrees C, 50 +/- 5% or 60 +/- 5% relative humidity. Subjects drank grape-flavored solution
Highly antiplasmodial non-natural oxidative products of dioncophylline A: synthesis, absolute configuration, and conformational stability (Publications)
A4 (9), were semi-synthesized from the natural product dioncophylline A (4) and its 5'-O-demethylated derivative (5), respectively, under phenol oxidative reaction conditions. Dioncotetralones A (6 a) [...] repulsion forced the expected planar double bond into a helical distorted conformation. The homocoupling of 5 yielded compounds 7 and 9, the latter of which is the first sp3 -sp2 coupled product of a monomeric
The burden of surgical site infections and related antibiotic resistance in two geographic regions of Sierra Leone: a prospective study (Publications)
older. Of the 417 patients, 233 (55.9%) were enrolled in MGH. Most were women 294 (70.5%). The incidence rate of SSI was 5.5 per 1000 patient-days, and the cumulative incidence of SSI was 8.2%. Common bacteria