Participation in organised sports and longitudinal development of physical activity in Swiss youth: the population-based SOPHYA cohort (Publications)
decline from 2014 to 2019, but an increase in SB. Nevertheless, the prevalence of improvers was 22.5% for CPM, 9.5% for MVPA, 26.9% for LPA and 9.7% for SB. Engagement in organised sport between 2014 and 2019 [...] is associated with sustaining or enhancing physical activity among children and adolescents during 5 years of follow-up. METHODS: The longitudinal study was nested in the population-based SOPHYA (Swiss [...] the Y+S database as the number of days with at least one activity in...
CD4 surveillance in Scotland: perspectives on severe HIV-related immunodeficiency (Publications)
count was higher in women (by 2.1; SE, 0.5), in injecting drug users (IDU; by 1.8; SE, 0.5) and in younger patients (by 1.5 per 10 years; SE, 0.2), but reduced by 1.5 (SE, 0.1) per calendar year of recruitment [...] patients in 1993-1994 with a first CD4 count of > or = 500 x 10(6)/l had seroconverted within the past 5 years. Two-thirds of non-IDU (67%; 348 out of 517) were already severely immunodeficient at or before
Quantifizierung des Gesundheitsnutzens der neuen Luftqualitätsleitlinien der Weltgesundheitsorganisation in der Schweiz: Projekt GeLuft,... (Publications)
PM2.5 (10 μg/m3) würde die mittlere Einhaltung des WHO-AQG-2021-Werts (5 μg/m3) ca. 3'370 luftverschmutzungsbedingte Todesfälle (35’800 verlorene Lebensjahre) bei Erwachsenen vermeiden. Da die PM2.5-Immissionen [...] utzens für das Jahr 2019 berechneten wir die Gesundheitsauswirkungen der Luftverschmutzung mit PM2.5 und NO2 in einem Referenzszenario (mittlere Exposition in der Bevölkerung, entspricht den WHO-AQG-Werten [...] die Schweiz im Jahr 2019 als Bezugsgrösse. Die gesundheitlichen...
Efficacy of drugs against clonorchiasis and opisthorchiasis: a systematic review and network meta-analysis (Publications)
for 5 days and 400 mg twice a day for 7 days) resulted in cure rates of 100%, while two other multiple-dose regimens of albendazole resulted in high predicted cure rates: 300 mg twice a day for 5 days [...] praziquantel regimen (25 mg/kg three times a day for 2 days) also showed a high predicted cure rate (98.5% [85.4-99.9]) in C sinensis infection, and predicted cure rates were above 90% for several other mu [...] including 20 mg/kg three times a day for 3 days (97.6% [74.7-99.8]), 14 mg/kg...
Quantifizierung des Gesundheitsnutzens der neuen Luftqualitätsleitlinien der Weltgesundheitsorganisation in der Schweiz: Projekt GeLuft,... (Publications)
PM2.5 (10 μg/m3) würde die mittlere Einhaltung des WHO-AQG-2021-Werts (5 μg/m3) ca. 3'370 luftverschmutzungsbedingte Todesfälle (35’800 verlorene Lebensjahre) bei Erwachsenen vermeiden. Da die PM2.5-Immissionen [...] utzens für das Jahr 2019 berechneten wir die Gesundheitsauswirkungen der Luftverschmutzung mit PM2.5 und NO2 in einem Referenzszenario (mittlere Exposition in der Bevölkerung, entspricht den WHO-AQG-Werten [...] die Schweiz im Jahr 2019 als Bezugsgrösse. Die gesundheitlichen...
Efficacy of drugs against clonorchiasis and opisthorchiasis: a systematic review and network meta-analysis (Publications)
for 5 days and 400 mg twice a day for 7 days) resulted in cure rates of 100%, while two other multiple-dose regimens of albendazole resulted in high predicted cure rates: 300 mg twice a day for 5 days [...] praziquantel regimen (25 mg/kg three times a day for 2 days) also showed a high predicted cure rate (98.5% [85.4-99.9]) in C sinensis infection, and predicted cure rates were above 90% for several other mu [...] including 20 mg/kg three times a day for 3 days (97.6% [74.7-99.8]), 14 mg/kg...
Fluorinated rhodacyanine (SJL-01) possessing high efficacy for visceral leishmaniasis (VL) (Publications)
and 95-97% inhibition against L. donovani strain MHOM/ET/67/HU in female BALB/c mice by 1.3-12.5 mg/kg x 5 iv administrations. Negative results on chromosomal aberration test and in vitro micronucleus test
Novel diamidines with activity against <em>Babesia divergens</em> <em>in vitro</em> and <em>Babesia microti in vivo</em> (Publications)
inhibitory concentration (IC(50)) of 1.5 ng/ml. In a murine model, several test compounds were effective enough to cure mice infected with Babesia microti at a dose of 12.5 and/or 25 mg/kg of body weight given
Fluorinated rhodacyanine (SJL-01) possessing high efficacy for visceral leishmaniasis (VL) (Publications)
and 95-97% inhibition against L. donovani strain MHOM/ET/67/HU in female BALB/c mice by 1.3-12.5 mg/kg x 5 iv administrations. Negative results on chromosomal aberration test and in vitro micronucleus test
Novel diamidines with activity against <em>Babesia divergens</em> <em>in vitro</em> and <em>Babesia microti in vivo</em> (Publications)
inhibitory concentration (IC(50)) of 1.5 ng/ml. In a murine model, several test compounds were effective enough to cure mice infected with Babesia microti at a dose of 12.5 and/or 25 mg/kg of body weight given