Representation of authors and editors from countries with different human development indexes in the leading literature on tropical medicine: survey... (Publications)
accounted for 5.0%. Our data indicate that research collaborations between a country with a high human development index and one that has either a medium or a low index are common and account for 26.5% and 16 [...] full articles published in the six leading journals on tropical medicine in 2000-2. RESULTS: Sixteen (5.1%) of the 315 editorial and advisory board members from the 12 ISI referenced journals on tropical
SCORE operational research on moving toward interruption of schistosomiasis transmission (Publications)
SCORE developed and funded the T5 strategy implemented in Egypt, Kenya, and Tanzania. It is likely that focal MDA campaigns, along with more targeted approaches, including a T5 strategy and snail control, [...] to elimination included a feasibility and acceptability assessment of test-treat-track-test-treat (T5) strategies and mathematical modeling. Future evaluations of interventions to eliminate schistosomiasis
Epitope mapping and fine specificity of human T and B cell responses for novel candidate blood-stage malaria vaccine P27A (Publications)
presented anti-P27A with higher affinity than unexposed volunteers. Increasing the dose of GLA-SE from 2.5 to 5 μg in pre-exposed volunteers improved anti-P27A affinity and decreased the number of recognized epitopes [...] the humoral response in pre-exposed volunteers, particularly when immunized with P27A formulated with 5 μg GLA-SE.
Alternative complement pathway inhibition does not abrogate meningococcal killing by serum of vaccinated individuals (Publications)
and D, C3, C5 and MASP-2 inhibitors. B meningococci were not included in this study since the immune response against protein-based vaccines is more complex. Unsurprisingly, inhibition of C5 abrogated killing [...] conditions can be treated with monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that bind to the complement component C5 and prevent formation of the membrane attack complex (MAC). While MAC is involved in uncontrolled lysis
Health of farming communities prior to modification of the occupational environment through a watershed development project in Kolar, India (Publications)
the age of 5 years in the four project villages and four comparison villages. Results: Respondents (n = 333) reported household‑level occurrences of VBDs (chikungunya, 3.3%; and dengue, 1.5%), consuming [...] consuming unsafe water (54.5%) and frequent pesticide application in fields (26.7%). The prevalence of child underweight was 23.8%. Conclusions: VBDs, poor water quality and child undernutrition were found to
New antiparasitic flexible triaryl diamidines, their prodrugs and aza analogues: synthesis, <em>in vitro</em> and<em> in vivo</em> biological... (Publications)
of > 60 days upon a 4 × 5 mg/kg dose i. p. treatment. Moreover, thermal melting analysis measurement ΔT(m) for this series of diamidines/poly (dA-dT) complexes fell between 0.5 and 19 °C with 6c showing [...] amidines (6a-c, 13a,b and 17), their aza analogues (23 and 27) and respective methoxyamidine prodrugs (5, 7, 12a,b, 22 and 26). All diamidines were assessed in vitro against Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense
Estrogen-progestin replacement therapy and endometrial cancer (Publications)
reduce this increased risk, progestins have been added to estrogen replacement therapy for between 5 and 15 days (usually 7 or 10 days) per "month" in a sequential fashion (sequential estrogen-progestin [...] cancer risk factors. RESULTS: The adjusted OR was 2.17 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.91-2.47) per 5 years of estrogen replacement therapy use (based on 422 users among the case subjects and 262 users [...] (effectively 7 days) per month, the adjusted OR was only slightly reduced to 1.87...
Diagnostic performance and comparison of ultrasensitive and conventional rapid diagnostic test, thick blood smear and quantitative PCR for detection... (Publications)
(p/microL) (TBS and uRDT) compared to 5.6 p/microL (cRDT) based on TBS density measurements. TBS, uRDT and cRDT did not detect any of the 70/123 samples positive by qPCR below 5.86 p/microL, the qPCR density [...] in days (ranges) were 14.5 (10-20), 18.0 (15-28), 18.0 (15-20) and 18.0 (16-24) for qPCR, TBS, uRDT and cRDT, respectively; qPCR detected parasitaemia significantly earlier (3.5 days) than the other tests [...] 279 samples were collected from 24 participants; 123 were positive by...
Estrogen-progestin replacement therapy and endometrial cancer (Publications)
reduce this increased risk, progestins have been added to estrogen replacement therapy for between 5 and 15 days (usually 7 or 10 days) per "month" in a sequential fashion (sequential estrogen-progestin [...] cancer risk factors. RESULTS: The adjusted OR was 2.17 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.91-2.47) per 5 years of estrogen replacement therapy use (based on 422 users among the case subjects and 262 users [...] (effectively 7 days) per month, the adjusted OR was only slightly reduced to 1.87...
Diagnostic performance and comparison of ultrasensitive and conventional rapid diagnostic test, thick blood smear and quantitative PCR for detection... (Publications)
(p/microL) (TBS and uRDT) compared to 5.6 p/microL (cRDT) based on TBS density measurements. TBS, uRDT and cRDT did not detect any of the 70/123 samples positive by qPCR below 5.86 p/microL, the qPCR density [...] in days (ranges) were 14.5 (10-20), 18.0 (15-28), 18.0 (15-20) and 18.0 (16-24) for qPCR, TBS, uRDT and cRDT, respectively; qPCR detected parasitaemia significantly earlier (3.5 days) than the other tests [...] 279 samples were collected from 24 participants; 123 were positive by...