Skin wounds in a rural setting of Côte d'Ivoire: population-based assessment of the burden and clinical epidemiology (Publications)
furuncles (5.1%), burns (2.9%) and Buruli ulcer (2.2%). Most wounds were acute and smaller than 5 cm2 in size. 22.0% (176/799) of wounds showed evidence of secondary bacterial infection. 35.5% (22/62) of
Characterising co-infections with <em>Plasmodium </em>spp., <em>Mansonella perstans</em> or <em>Loa loa </em>in asymptomatic children, adults and... (Publications)
screened. Positivity rates of M. perstans and L. loa were 6.6% and 1.5%, respectively. M. perstans infection were more prominent in male (10.5%) compared to female (3.9%) survey participants. M. perstans parasite [...] influenced the infection rate with people belonging to the lowest socio-economic quintile more than 3 and 5 times more likely to be L. loa and M. perstans infected, respectively. No increased risk of being c
Outdoor air pollution and hormone-assessed pubertal development in children: results from the GINIplus and LISA birth cohorts (Publications)
derived annual average concentrations of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter < 2.5 and 10 microm (PM2.5 and PM10), as well as spatial models assessed yearly average concentrations of nitrogen dioxide [...] 10. Overall, we found no statistically significant associations between exposure to particles (PM2.5 or PM10) and pubertal development. Results on NO2 and ozone were not significant as well; for instance
Comparison of sensitivity and annoyance to road traffic and community noise between a South African and a Swiss population sample (Publications)
highly noise sensitive individuals (women: 35.1% vs 26.9%; men: 25% vs 20.5%) and people highly annoyed to road traffic noise (women: 20.5% vs 12.4%; men: 17.9% vs 11.1%) were observed in South Africa. While
A multi-band body-worn distributed exposure meter for personal radio-frequency dosimetry in diffuse indoor environments (Publications)
measurement uncertainty with a 68% confidence interval on its antenna apertures, in the range 3.4-5.5 dB. A maximum difference of 0.9 dB is obtained for the total exposure in the test areas between the
Phytochemical study of <em>Salvia leriifolia</em> roots: rearranged abietane diterpenoids with antiprotozoal activity (Publications)
performed via extensive NMR and HRESIMS data, and the absolute configurations of compounds 1 and 3-5 were established by evaluation of experimental and calculated ECD spectra. The antiplasmodial activity [...] proposed. Leriifoliol (1) is the first 20- nor-9,10- seco-abietane, while 2 exhibits an uncommon 6-6-5 fused-ring system.
Improved latrines minimally impact <em>Schistosoma mekongi </em>transmission in Mekong islands (Publications)
follows: Opisthorchis viverrini, 79.5% and 71.8%; hookworm, 48.8% and 65.6%; and Strongyloides stercoralis, 43.1% and 38.3%. Other helminth species were detected in less than 5% of the study participants. Latrine
China's sustained drive to eliminate neglected tropical diseases (Publications)
and viruses. Lymphatic filariasis was eliminated in 2007, but schistosomiasis still affects up to 5% of local village residents in some endemic counties with around 300 000 people infected. China harbours [...] Corresponding figures for food-borne trematodiasis, echinococcosis, and cysticercosis are more than 5%. Dengue, leishmaniasis, leprosy, rabies, and trachoma exist in many areas and should not be overlooked
Multiple loci associated with indices of renal function and chronic kidney disease (Publications)
CKD cases). We identified significant SNP associations (P < 5 x 10(-8)) with CKD at the UMOD locus, with eGFRcrea at UMOD, SHROOM3 and GATM-SPATA5L1, and with eGFRcys at CST and STC1. UMOD encodes the most
Epidemiology of schistosomiasis in two high-risk communities of south Côte d'Ivoire with particular emphasis on pre-school-aged children (Publications)
in school-aged children (58.7-68.4%) and adolescents/adults (59.5-61.7%). The prevalence of S. haematobium in the three age groups was 5.9-17.3%, 10.9-18.4%, and 3.8-21.3%, respectively. Most participants