Low risk for transmission of zoonotic <em>Giardia duodenalis</em> from dogs to humans in rural Cambodia (Publications)
characterisation of the glutamate dehydrogenase (gdh) gene placed 27.5% (11/40) of Giardia positive humans into assemblage AII and 72.5% (29/40) into assemblage BIII of G. duodenalis. In dogs, 20.0% (2/10)
Orally active antischistosomal early leads identified from the open access malaria box (Publications)
compounds were investigated in vivo. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Promising antischistosomal activity (IC50: 1.4-9.5 microM) was observed for 34 compounds against schistosomula. Three compounds presented IC50 values between [...] with a single oral 400 mg/kg dose of these drugs resulted in significant worm burden reductions of 52.5% and 40.8%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The two candidates identified by investigating the
Evaluation of <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> genotyping markers for molecular monitoring in clinical trials (Publications)
capillary electrophoresis to determine the extent of size polymorphism for 9 potential genetic markers (5 genes of merozoite surface proteins [msp] and 4 microsatellites) in 93-108 P. vivax-positive blood samples [...] respectively, followed by 2 fragments of msp1 and 2 other microsatellites. msp3alpha, msp4, and msp5 revealed limited polymorphism. CONCLUSIONS: Even for the most diverse markers, the highest allelic
Quantification of self pollution from two diesel school buses using three independent methods (Publications)
6.8 mug/m(3) of PM(2.5) inside the bus, respectively, with significantly higher crankcase self pollution (SP) when windows were closed. Approximately two-thirds of in-cabin PM(2.5) originated from background
Efficacy, safety and pharmacokinetics of 1,2,4-trioxolane OZ78 against an experimental infection with <em>Fasciola hepatica</em> in sheep (Publications)
t(max) were 13.7+/-6.1mug/ml and 0.9+/-0.4h, respectively. The alpha and beta half-lives were 4.5+/-4.3h and 56.5+/-36h, respectively and the mean AUC was 219.1+/-74mugmin/ml. Further studies are needed to
Health effects of the 2003 Southern California wildfires on children (Publications)
17-18 yr) and elementary-school children (n = 5,551; age, 6-7 yr), in a total of 16 communities. Estimates of particulate matter (PM10) concentrations during the 5 d with the highest fire activity were used
Occurrence and duration of various operational definitions of sedentary bouts and cross-sectional associations with cardiometabolic health indicators:... (Publications)
sedentary time in bouts of > /=5min while bouts of > /=20min were rare. Linear regression analysis revealed few significant associations of sedentary time accumulated in bouts of > /=5-30min with health indicators
Improved outcome for very low birth weight multiple births (Publications)
8 (11.7) to 96.5 (18.6), analysis of covariance P = 0.007. The prevalence of cerebral palsy decreased, however not significantly adjusted odds ratio (95% confidence interval) 0.3 (0.1-1.5), P = 0.14. The
Evaluation of pet contact as a risk factor for carriage of multidrug-resistant staphylococci in nursing home residents (Publications)
staphylococci (aOR, 0.5; 95% CI, 0.4-0.8). Antibiotic treatment during the previous 3 months was associated with significantly increased risk for MDR carriage in residents (aOR, 3.1; 95% CI, 1.8-5.7). CONCLUSIONS:
Zahngesundheit in der Schweiz: Ergebnisse der Schweizerischen Gesundheitsbefragung 2002 (Publications)
dentition was reported by 40%, a functional set of teeth by 79%, and 5% were edentulous, while partial and/or full dentures was reported by 19% (5% with total prosthesis in both jaws). Most people care for their