Water quality, sanitation, and hygiene conditions in schools and households in Dolakha and Ramechhap districts, Nepal: results from a cross-sectional... (Publications)
school drinking water source samples and 76.9% point-of-use samples (water bottles) at schools, 39.5% water source samples in the community, and 27.4% point-of-use samples at household levels were contaminated [...] t coliforms. The values of water samples for pH (6.8-7.6), free and total residual chlorine (0.1-0.5 mg/L), mean lead concentration (0.01 mg/L), and mean arsenic concentration (0.05 mg/L) were within national
Allergic disease and atopic sensitization in children in relation to measles vaccination and measles infection (Publications)
Anthroposophic Lifestyle study, conducted in 5 European countries (Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland). The children were between 5 and 13 years of age and represented farm children
Leishmanicidal cycloartane-type triterpene glycosides from <em>Astragalus oleifolius</em> (Publications)
Three known cycloartane glycosides cyclocanthoside E (3), astragaloside II (4) and astragaloside IV (5) were also isolated and characterized. All five compounds were evaluated for in vitro trypanocidal, [...] activities as well as their cytotoxic potential on primary mammalian (L6) cells. Except for the compound 5, all compounds showed notable growth inhibitory activity against Leishmania donovani with IC50 values
Efficacy of moxidectin versus ivermectin against <em>Strongyloides stercoralis</em> infections: a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial (Publications)
compared to 95.2% (59/62) for ivermectin. Difference between CRs were estimated as -1.5%-pts (95% CI: -9.6 - 6.5), thus the lower limit of the CI exceeds the non-inferiority margin of 7%-pts. No side
Digital tools to improve parenting behaviour in low-income settings: a mixed-methods feasibility study (Publications)
y cost-effective means for providing early child development services in low-income settings. This 5-month mixed-methods pilot study evaluated the feasibility of using Afinidata, a comprehensive Facebook [...] reported using the platform at least once, and of those, 87% rated it as useful to very useful. After 5 months, 42% of mothers were still active on the platform, with little variation between urban and rural
Developing human biomonitoring as a 21st century toolbox within the European exposure science strategy 2020-2030 (Publications)
exposure to multiple chemicals (mixtures); (4) bridging regulatory silos on aggregate exposure; and (5) enhancing the effectiveness of risk management measures. In this strategy paper we propose a vision [...] further development of quality control / quality assurance throughout the HBM research life cycle; 5) obtain sustained funding and reinforcement by legislation; and 6) extend target-specific communication
A spatial joint analysis of metal constituents of ambient particulate matter and mortality in England (Publications)
account for the multicollinearity in the elemental components (iron, copper, and zinc) of PM10 and PM2.5. The models are developed in relation to mortality from cardiovascular and respiratory disease and lung [...] 12) and for respiratory mortality RR 1.06 (95%CI 0.99, 1.31), compared with the study mean. For PM2.5 fraction, higher risks were seen for cardiovascular mortality RR 1.55 (CI 95% 1.38, 1.71) and respiratory
Sensor setpoints that ensure compliance with microbial water quality targets for membrane bioreactor and chlorination treatment in on-site water reuse... (Publications)
reuse applications. For instance, we recommend a minimum ORP of 705 mV to ensure a virus log-removal of 5, and an ORP of 765 mV for a log-removal of 6. These setpoints were selected to ensure that the percentage [...] percentage of events where the water is predicted to meet the quality target but it does not remains below 5%. Such a systematic approach to set sensor setpoints could be used in the development of water reuse
Residential radon - comparative analysis of exposure models in Switzerland (Publications)
lower fractional bias. Applied to the population of 5.4 million adults in 2000, the random forest resulted in an arithmetic mean (standard deviation) of 75.5 (31.7) Bq/m(3), and indicated a respective 16.1%
Modeling multi-level survival data in multi-center epidemiological cohort studies: applications from the ELAPSE project (Publications)
project investigating associations between residential exposure to low levels of air pollution (PM2.5 and NO2) and health (natural-cause mortality and cerebrovascular, coronary and lung cancer incidence) [...] the cohort or using (2) indicator variables, (3) strata, (4) a frailty term in frailty Cox models, (5) a random intercept under a mixed Cox, for cohort identification. We accounted for the second level