Methods development for epidemiologic investigations of the health effects of prolonged ozone exposure. Part I: Variability of pulmonary function... (Publications)
8); FEF25%-75% 3.2 (+/-2.3); FEF75% 5.8 (+/-5.0); and delta N2 17.9 (+/-12.3); for female subjects they were: FEV1 1.4 (+/-0.9); FEF25%-75% 3.0 (+/-2.2); FEF75% 6.2 (+/-5.2); and delta N2 19.9 (+/-17.0). [...] (adjusted for sex, area of residence, ethnicity, and height) were: FVC 3.6%; FEV1 3.0%; FEF25%-75% 5.2%; FEF75% 8.9%; and delta N2 23.9%. Of all subjects tested, 234 (97.9%) could provide at least two
Hepatitis B and C in Europe: an update from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 (Publications)
(1·17 to 5·02) and its age-standardised mortality rate decreased by 35·73% (23·48 to 47·75) between 2010 and 2019; the age-standardised prevalence rate (-6·37% [-8·11 to -4·32]), incidence rate (-5·87% [-11·24 [...] 2019, the age-standardised incidence rate of acute hepatitis B decreased (-22·14% [95% UI -35·44 to -5·98]) as did its age-standardised mortality rate (-33·27% [-43·03 to -25·49]); the age-standardised [...] [-11·24 to -1·01]), and mortality rate (-11·11% [-16·54 to -5·53]) of...
Methods development for epidemiologic investigations of the health effects of prolonged ozone exposure. Part I: Variability of pulmonary function... (Publications)
8); FEF25%-75% 3.2 (+/-2.3); FEF75% 5.8 (+/-5.0); and delta N2 17.9 (+/-12.3); for female subjects they were: FEV1 1.4 (+/-0.9); FEF25%-75% 3.0 (+/-2.2); FEF75% 6.2 (+/-5.2); and delta N2 19.9 (+/-17.0). [...] (adjusted for sex, area of residence, ethnicity, and height) were: FVC 3.6%; FEV1 3.0%; FEF25%-75% 5.2%; FEF75% 8.9%; and delta N2 23.9%. Of all subjects tested, 234 (97.9%) could provide at least two
The activity of dispiro peroxides against <em>Fasciola hepatica</em> (Publications)
Dispiro 1,2,4-trioxanes and 1,2,4,5-tetraoxanes had superior efficacy against Fasciola hepatica than the corresponding ozonides (1,2,4-trioxolanes). For highest efficacy, spiroadamantane and carboxymethyl
The activity of dispiro peroxides against <em>Fasciola hepatica</em> (Publications)
Dispiro 1,2,4-trioxanes and 1,2,4,5-tetraoxanes had superior efficacy against Fasciola hepatica than the corresponding ozonides (1,2,4-trioxolanes). For highest efficacy, spiroadamantane and carboxymethyl
Travellers' Health | Clinical Short Courses at Swiss TPH (Page)
2025 Duration: 5 days Application Deadline: 10 December 2024 Certification: The course counts for 1.5 credit points (ECTS) within the tropEd Master of International Health curriculum. 27.5 CME Credits are
Survey on customer satisfaction and improvement potential of the Swiss TPH Administration (Projects)
Kundenzufriedenheit mit den administrativen Dienstleistungen ist über diesen Zeitraum um 15% (von 5.1 auf 5.4 (Skala von 1 „Sehr unzufrieden“ bis 7 „Sehr zufrieden“)) gestiegen. Im gleichen Zeitraum sank [...] igkeit der Administration aufrechterhalten oder gar weiter ausbauen zu können, müssen mindestens 3-5 Verbesserungs-Projekte pro Einheit und Jahr durchgeführt werden. Für das Swiss TPH mit seiner schlanken
Long-term exposure to transportation noise and diabetes mellitus mortality: a national cohort study and updated meta-analysis (Publications)
1.02 [1.01, 1.03], and 1.02 [1.00, 1.03] per 10 dB road traffic [n = 14], railway [n = 5] and aircraft noise [n = 5], respectively). CONCLUSIONS: This study provides new evidence that transportation noise [...] L(den), well below the 53 dB L(den) WHO guideline level), but not railway noise. Substituting for PM(2.5), or including deaths with type 1 DM hardly changed the associations. HRs were higher for males compared
Assessing the effectiveness of a multicomponent intervention on hand hygiene and well-being in primary health care centers and schools lacking... (Publications)
health care centers were eligible if they had a maternity ward and ≥5 employees, and schools if they had ≤7000 students studying in grades 5 to 7. We used covariate-constrained randomization to assign intervention [...] good handwashing practice with soap or alcohol-based handrub at one of the World Health Organization 5 moments for hand hygiene, divided by the number of moments for hand hygiene that presented themselves