Measuring universal health coverage based on an index of effective coverage of health services in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a... (Publications)
quality care; outcome-based measures were transformed to values on a scale of 0-100 based on the 2.5th and 97.5th percentile of location-year values. We constructed the UHC effective coverage index by weighting [...] performance on the UHC effective coverage index improved from 45.8 (95% uncertainty interval 44.2-47.5) in 1990 to 60.3 (58.7-61.9) in 2019, yet country-level UHC effective coverage in 2019 still spanned [...] equivalents still lacking UHC effective coverage in 2023, with nearly a...
Population genetic structure and hybridization of schistosomes in schoolchildren in Côte d’Ivoire (Publications)
identified 15 S. haematobium sequences (45.5%) belonging to seven haplotypes and 18 S. bovis sequences (54.5%) belonging to 12 haplotypes. Of 40 ITS2 sequences analysed, 77.5% were assigned to pure S. haematobium [...] haematobium, 10.0% to pure S. bovis and 12.5% to S. haematobium x S. bovis hybrids. The literature review elucidated that few methods are available for the population genetics of S. haematobium. Variable genetic
Measuring universal health coverage based on an index of effective coverage of health services in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a... (Publications)
quality care; outcome-based measures were transformed to values on a scale of 0-100 based on the 2.5th and 97.5th percentile of location-year values. We constructed the UHC effective coverage index by weighting [...] performance on the UHC effective coverage index improved from 45.8 (95% uncertainty interval 44.2-47.5) in 1990 to 60.3 (58.7-61.9) in 2019, yet country-level UHC effective coverage in 2019 still spanned [...] equivalents still lacking UHC effective coverage in 2023, with nearly a...
Population genetic structure and hybridization of schistosomes in schoolchildren in Côte d’Ivoire (Publications)
identified 15 S. haematobium sequences (45.5%) belonging to seven haplotypes and 18 S. bovis sequences (54.5%) belonging to 12 haplotypes. Of 40 ITS2 sequences analysed, 77.5% were assigned to pure S. haematobium [...] haematobium, 10.0% to pure S. bovis and 12.5% to S. haematobium x S. bovis hybrids. The literature review elucidated that few methods are available for the population genetics of S. haematobium. Variable genetic
Spectrum and prevalence of genetic predisposition in medulloblastoma: a retrospective genetic study and prospective validation in a clinical trial... (Publications)
deficiency. In patients with a genetic predisposition to medulloblastoma, 5-year progression-free survival was 52% (95% CI 40-69) and 5-year overall survival was 65% (95% CI 52-81); these survival estimates [...] used to further classify medulloblastoma genomes into two groups, a clock-like group (signatures 1 and 5) and a homologous recombination repair deficiency-like group (signatures 3 and 8), and chromothripsis [...] These estimates were replicated in the prospective clinical cohort...
Warum wir uns mit der Einschätzung von Risiken so schwertun (Page)
durch 5G-Strahlung vernünftigerweise sein könnte. Aber weil wir dem Radonrisiko schon immer ausgesetzt waren und das Gas natürlichen Ursprungs ist, erscheint es deutlich weniger bedrohlich als 5G. Nullrisiko [...] Massnahmen geringer. Anders ist es bei 5G. Das Risiko ist neu und als Gesellschaft selbst gewählt – was dem Szenario 3 entspricht. Und auch wenn das potenzielle Risiko durch 5G aus individueller Sicht klein ist [...] begegnet uns auch bei Umweltthemen: So ist etwa in der öffentlichen...
Novel 4-[4-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)phenyl]-6-arylpyrimidine derivatives and their antitrypanosomal activities against <em>T.brucei</em> (Publications)
with promising antitrypanosomal activity. In particular, 32 exhibits an in vitro EC(50) value of 0.5 µM against Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, and analogues 29, 30 and 33 show antitrypanosomal activities
Meta-analysis of exome array data identifies six novel genetic loci for lung function (Publications)
749 individuals of European ancestry from 23 studies, and 7,721 individuals of African Ancestry from 5 studies in the discovery stage, with follow-up in up to 111,556 independent individuals. Results: We
Exposure to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields from broadcast transmitters and risk of childhood cancer: a census-based cohort study (Publications)
conducted a time-to-event analysis including children under age 16 years living in Switzerland on December 5, 2000. Follow-up lasted until December 31, 2008. Second, all children living in Switzerland for some
The oxysterol and cholestenoic acid profile of mouse cerebrospinal fluid (Publications)
analysis technology. We found low levels of oxysterols and cholestenoic acids in CSF in the range of 5pg/mL-2.6ng/mL. As found in man, these concentrations are one to two orders of magnitude lower than in