Transportation noise impairs cardiovascular function without altering sleep: the importance of autonomic arousals (Publications)
scenarios compared to the quiet ambient scenario played back during the baseline and recovery nights (F5,117 = 10.2, p < 0.001). Nocturnal transportation noise did not significantly impact polysomnographically [...] a result related to increased cumulative duration of autonomic arousals during the noise nights (F5,106 = 3.4, p < 0.001; correlation: rpearson = 0.64, p = 0.006). Conclusion: Under controlled laboratory
Screening of the 'Open Scaffolds' collection from<em> Compounds Australia</em> identifies a new chemical entity with anthelmintic activities against... (Publications)
induced a characteristic, "coiled" xL3 phenotype (IC50 = 3.46-5.93 muM), inhibited motility of fourth-stage larvae (L4s; IC50 = 0.31-12.5 muM) and caused considerable cuticular damage to L4s in vitro.
Burden of rabies in Mali (Publications)
We estimate that in the year 2016 133 [95% Confidence Interval (95%CI) 87-186] people died and that 5'366 [95%CI 3'510-7'504] years of life (YLL) were lost and in 2017 et 136 [95%CI 96-181] people died [...] [IC 95% 3'913-7'377] YLLs were lost. The loss of income was estimated at 3.2 million USD [95%CI 2,1-4,5] en 2016, and 3,3 million USD [95%CI 2,3-4,4] in 2017. This represents the highest financial loss from
Safety and efficacy of C-reactive protein-guided antibiotic use to treat acute respiratory infections in Tanzanian children: a planned subgroup... (Publications)
0.06, 0.040.09). There were fewer secondary hospitalizations and deaths in the CRP arm: 0.5% (4/865) versus 1.5% (13/854, RR 0.30, 0.100.93). Conclusions: CRP testing using a high cut-off, combined with
Long-term air pollution and traffic noise exposures and mild cognitive impairment in older adults: a cross-sectional analysis of the Heinz Nixdorf... (Publications)
noise were associated with overall MCI and aMCI. For example, an interquartile range increase in PM2.5 and a 10 dB(A) increase in LDEN were associated with overall MCI (odds ratio (95% confidence interval)=1 [...] respectively). In two-exposure models, AP and noise associations were attenuated (i.g., for aMCI: PM2.5 1.13 (0.98, 1.30) and LDEN 1.46 (1.11, 1.92)). CONCLUSIONS: Long-term exposures to air pollution and
Correlates and outcomes of posttransplant smoking in solid organ transplant recipients: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis (Publications)
Ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were computed for correlates/outcomes investigated > /= 5 times. RESULTS: Seventy-three studies (43 in kidney, 17 in heart, 12 in liver, 1 in lung transplantation) [...] plant cardiovascular disease (OR 1.41, 95%CI 1.02-1.95), nonskin malignancies (OR 2.58, 95%CI 1.26-5.29), a shorter patient survival time (OR 0.59, 95%CI 0.44-0.79) and higher odds of mortality (OR 1.74
Risk mapping of clonorchiasis in the People's Republic of China: a systematic review and Bayesian geostatistical analysis (Publications)
risk of infection across P.R. China at high spatial resolution (over a grid with grid cell size of 5x5 km). PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We obtained clonorchiasis survey data at 633 unique locations in P.R. China
Excess mortality during the warm summer of 2015 in Switzerland (Publications)
episodes identified in summer 2015 by use of seven different definitions. RESULTS: 804 excess deaths (5.4%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.07.9%) were estimated for summer 2015 compared with previous summers [...] occurred in people aged 75 years and older. Ticino (10.3%, 95% CI -1.822.4%), Northwestern Switzerland (9.5%, 95% CI 2.716.3%) and Espace Mittelland (8.9%, 95% CI 3.714.1%) showed highest excess mortality during
Reproducibility of retrospective assessment of outdoor time-activity patterns as an individual determinant of long-term ambient ozone exposure (Publications)
patterns were tested in 168 lifelong residents (ages 17-21) of California. A test-retest design (within 5-7 days) was employed. (1) Based on a set of questions (AQUES) on outdoor 'heavy' and 'moderate' activity [...] values differed across approaches, ranging from 1.0 (ATAB) to an unrealistically high estimate of 3.5 (A24H) h/day. The ATAB mean values were close to expectations when compared to published data. CONCLUSIONS:
Repeated cross-sectional skin testing for bovine tuberculosis in cattle kept in a traditional husbandry system in Ethiopia (Publications)
cent). Due to the low apparent prevalence, the true prevalence could be calculated only in Meskan (4.5 per cent) and Bako-Gazer (2.4 per cent) for the more than 2 mm cut-off. With the exception of Meskan [...] per cent CI 1.4 to 2.6, respectively), as were animals in good body condition (OR 2, 95 per cent CI 1.5 to 2.9). Similar results were found at woreda level with the exception of Woldia, where none of the