Comparison of a new IgG-EIA for the detection of anti-plasmodium antibodies with two currently used assays (Publications)
with the ELISA from EUROIMMUN and the routine test used at the respec-tive centre. Thirty-four of 595 (5.7%) tested blood samples from centre 1 and 49 of 501 (9.8%) tested blood samples from centre 2 showed [...] 12 inconclusive results), indicating an anti-Plasmodium antibody prevalence in blood donations of 1.5%. From these 16 reactive samples, 13 were also detected by the index test, resulting in an assay sensitivity
Epidemiology of <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</em> lineages and strain clustering within urban and peri-urban settings in Ethiopia (Publications)
isolates with shared patterns (n = 200/258) suggested a substantial rate of overall clustering (77.5%). After adjusting for the effect of geographical variations, clustering rate was significantly lower [...] were more likely to be associated with TBLN [3.47 (1.45, 8.29)] and TB-HIV co-infection [2.84 (1.61, 5.55)]. CONCLUSION: Despite the observed difference in strain diversity and geographical distribution
Integrated human-animal sero-surveillance of Brucellosis in the pastoral Afar and Somali regions of Ethiopia (Publications)
prevalence was 48.3% in Afar and 34.9% in SRS (ranging from 0.0 to 74.5% at woreda level). 68.4% of all households in Afar and 57.5% of households in SRS had at least one animal reactor. Overall, 4.1% of
The contribution of malaria control interventions on spatio-temporal changes of parasitaemia risk in Uganda during 2009-2014 (Publications)
few years as a result of increased funding. Data on parasitaemia prevalence among children less than 5 years old and coverage of interventions was collected during the first two Malaria Indicator Surveys [...] Parasitaemia risk was predicted over a 2 x 2 km2 grid and the number of infected children less than 5 years old was estimated. Geostatistical variable selection was applied to identify the most important
Burden of rabies in Mali (Publications)
We estimate that in the year 2016 133 [95% Confidence Interval (95%CI) 87-186] people died and that 5'366 [95%CI 3'510-7'504] years of life (YLL) were lost and in 2017 et 136 [95%CI 96-181] people died [...] [IC 95% 3'913-7'377] YLLs were lost. The loss of income was estimated at 3.2 million USD [95%CI 2,1-4,5] en 2016, and 3,3 million USD [95%CI 2,3-4,4] in 2017. This represents the highest financial loss from
Long-term air pollution and traffic noise exposures and mild cognitive impairment in older adults: a cross-sectional analysis of the Heinz Nixdorf... (Publications)
noise were associated with overall MCI and aMCI. For example, an interquartile range increase in PM2.5 and a 10 dB(A) increase in LDEN were associated with overall MCI (odds ratio (95% confidence interval)=1 [...] respectively). In two-exposure models, AP and noise associations were attenuated (i.g., for aMCI: PM2.5 1.13 (0.98, 1.30) and LDEN 1.46 (1.11, 1.92)). CONCLUSIONS: Long-term exposures to air pollution and
Reproducibility of retrospective assessment of outdoor time-activity patterns as an individual determinant of long-term ambient ozone exposure (Publications)
patterns were tested in 168 lifelong residents (ages 17-21) of California. A test-retest design (within 5-7 days) was employed. (1) Based on a set of questions (AQUES) on outdoor 'heavy' and 'moderate' activity [...] values differed across approaches, ranging from 1.0 (ATAB) to an unrealistically high estimate of 3.5 (A24H) h/day. The ATAB mean values were close to expectations when compared to published data. CONCLUSIONS:
Screening of the 'Open Scaffolds' collection from<em> Compounds Australia</em> identifies a new chemical entity with anthelmintic activities against... (Publications)
induced a characteristic, "coiled" xL3 phenotype (IC50 = 3.46-5.93 muM), inhibited motility of fourth-stage larvae (L4s; IC50 = 0.31-12.5 muM) and caused considerable cuticular damage to L4s in vitro.
High failure rates of protease inhibitor-based antiretroviral treatment in rural Tanzania - a prospective cohort study (Publications)
Additionally, viral load was measured before start of protease inhibitor, a second time between 1-5 years after start, and at suspected treatment failure in patients with available bio-banked samples [...] of resistance mutations for protease inhibitors were seen at this time. In samples taken between 1-5 years protease inhibitor resistance was demonstrated in 2/7 adults. In adult samples before protease
Transportation noise impairs cardiovascular function without altering sleep: the importance of autonomic arousals (Publications)
scenarios compared to the quiet ambient scenario played back during the baseline and recovery nights (F5,117 = 10.2, p < 0.001). Nocturnal transportation noise did not significantly impact polysomnographically [...] a result related to increased cumulative duration of autonomic arousals during the noise nights (F5,106 = 3.4, p < 0.001; correlation: rpearson = 0.64, p = 0.006). Conclusion: Under controlled laboratory