Spatiotemporal modelling of airborne birch and grass pollen concentration across Switzerland: a comparison of statistical, machine learning and... (Publications)
these six models through multiple linear regression to develop an ensemble hybrid model. RESULTS: The 5(th)-95(th) percentiles of birch and grass pollen concentrations were 0-151 and 0-105 grains/m(3), r [...] linear models (LASSO, Ridge, Elastic net) for both pollen types, with RMSE's ranging from 105.9 to 140.5 grains/m(3) for birch and from 20 to 25.4 grains/m(3) for grass pollen. The Random forest algorithm
Excess mortality during COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: evidence from a rural survey (Publications)
p-score and incidence rate ratio (IRR) utilising Poisson segmented regression. We employed the InterVA-5 algorithm to attribute causes of death. Proportional distribution and cause-specific mortality rates [...] stroke (CSMR = 108.0, CI = 102.6-114.0), and acute respiratory infection (CSMR = 61.0, CI = 55.1-66.5), all displaying significantly higher mortality rates than in previous years. Older age (IRR = 1.6)
Vaccine hesitancy and HPV vaccine uptake among male and female youth in Switzerland: a cross-sectional study (Publications)
vaccination records and to measure the prevalence of VH using the Youth Attitudes about Vaccines scale (YAV-5), a modified version of the Parent Attitudes about Childhood Vaccinations survey instrument. SETTING [...] ts received > /=1 dose of HPV vaccine. 81 (31%) female and 92 (22%) male participants were VH (YAV-5-Score > 50). The odds for being unvaccinated were higher for VH women than non-VH women, adjusted OR=4
Vector composition, abundance, biting patterns and malaria transmission intensity in Madang, Papua New Guinea: assessment after 7 years of an... (Publications)
values ranging from 0.03 to 0.5 infective Anopheles bites per person-night. Most (54.1-75.1%) of the Anopheles bites occurred outdoors, with a substantial proportion (25.5-50.8%) occurring before 22:00
Practice change needed for the identification of pediatric hypertension in marginalized populations: an example from South Africa (Publications)
showed the highest agreement both among international standards (92.5% with American guidelines) and with the study reference (72.5%). While the global and the American references presented higher systolic
Risk profiling and efficacy of albendazole against the hookworms<em> Necator americanus </em>and <em>Ancylostoma ceylanicum</em> in Cambodia to... (Publications)
associated to the probability of being cured after albendazole administration. Findings: Overall, 13.5% of all 1,232 people tested by SFF were positive for hookworm infection(s). Most (80.1%) infected people [...] difference in cure rate of hookworm infection(s) following albendazole treatment using the SFF (81.5%) and mqPCR (46.4%) assays, and provide the first data on the efficacy of this drug against the zoonotic
Comparison of a new IgG-EIA for the detection of anti-plasmodium antibodies with two currently used assays (Publications)
with the ELISA from EUROIMMUN and the routine test used at the respec-tive centre. Thirty-four of 595 (5.7%) tested blood samples from centre 1 and 49 of 501 (9.8%) tested blood samples from centre 2 showed [...] 12 inconclusive results), indicating an anti-Plasmodium antibody prevalence in blood donations of 1.5%. From these 16 reactive samples, 13 were also detected by the index test, resulting in an assay sensitivity
Epidemiology of <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</em> lineages and strain clustering within urban and peri-urban settings in Ethiopia (Publications)
isolates with shared patterns (n = 200/258) suggested a substantial rate of overall clustering (77.5%). After adjusting for the effect of geographical variations, clustering rate was significantly lower [...] were more likely to be associated with TBLN [3.47 (1.45, 8.29)] and TB-HIV co-infection [2.84 (1.61, 5.55)]. CONCLUSION: Despite the observed difference in strain diversity and geographical distribution
Integrated human-animal sero-surveillance of Brucellosis in the pastoral Afar and Somali regions of Ethiopia (Publications)
prevalence was 48.3% in Afar and 34.9% in SRS (ranging from 0.0 to 74.5% at woreda level). 68.4% of all households in Afar and 57.5% of households in SRS had at least one animal reactor. Overall, 4.1% of
Accounting for MOBility in AIR pollution exposure estimates in studies on long-term health effects. (Projects)
existing air pollution exposure models, and will include these traffic-related pollutants: NO2, BC, PM2.5, PM2.5 elemental composition and UFP. These existing models will be enhanced to produce long-term hourly