Relation between organophosphate pesticide metabolite concentrations with pesticide exposures, socio-economic factors and lifestyles: a... (Publications)
urinary DAP concentrations. Most boys (70%) lived on farms with a median age of 12 years (range: 5.0-19.5 years). Children aged > 14 years had lower DAP urine concentrations (median = 39.9 ng/ml; beta =
Characteristics of persistent hotspots of <em>Schistosoma mansoni</em> in western Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
subjected to detailed investigations, the overall prevalence of S. mansoni and S. haematobium was 9.5% and 2.6%, respectively. Four schools were classified as PHS. The S. mansoni prevalence in the four [...] Children bathing in open freshwater bodies were at higher odds of S. mansoni infection (odds ratio: 4.5, 95% confidence interval: 1.6-12.6). A total of 76 human-water contact sites (53 in PHS and 23 in the
Resistance of <em>Anopheles stephensi</em> to selected insecticides used for indoor residual spraying and long-lasting insecticidal nets in Ethiopia (Publications)
Ethiopia. Adult female An. stephensi, reared from larvae and pupae collected from the field, aged 3-5 days were exposed to impregnated papers of IRS insecticides (propoxur 0.1%, bendiocarb 0.1%, pirimi [...] (alpha-cypermethrin) and SafeNet(®) (alpha-cypermethrin). A batch of ten sugar-fed female mosquitoes aged 2-5 days was exposed to samples taken from five positions/sides of a net. The data from all replicates were
Prevalence, years lived with disability, and trends in anaemia burden by severity and cause, 1990-2021: findings from the Global Burden of Disease... (Publications)
of 28.2% (27.8-28.5) and 1.50 billion (1.48-1.52) prevalent cases in 1990. Large variations were observed in anaemia burden by age, sex, and geography, with children younger than 5 years, women, and countries
Personal radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure of adolescents in the Greater London area in the SCAMP cohort and the association with... (Publications)
technology (e.g. distraction). We measured exposure to RF-EMF for 16 common frequency bands (87.5 MHz–3.5 GHz), using portable measurement devices (ExpoM-RF), in a subsample of adolescents participating
Early manifestations (pre-AIDS) of HIV-1 infection in Uganda (Publications)
[95% confidence interval (CI), 40-61] were still asymptomatic 2 years after seroconversion. At 4 and 5 years after seroconversion, only 26% (95% CI, 17-36) and 11% (95% CI, 4-22), respectively, remained [...] World Health Organization (WHO) stage 2, and their main stage-defining conditions were weight loss 5%) and minor mucocutaneous manifestations. The median CD4 lymphocyte count for participants entering
Iodine nutritional status and risk factors for goitre among schoolchildren in South Tajikistan (Publications)
(CI) = 42.4%-50.6%) of children were found to be goitrous (grade 1 goitre: 30.6%, 95% CI = 26.9%-34.5%; grade 2 goitre: 16.0%, 95% CI = 13.1%-19.2%). The risk factor for goitre remaining significant in [...] month' (OR = 2.89, 95% CI = 1.01-8.22) and 'buying salt once every six months' (OR = 2.26, 95% CI = 1.01-5.04) compared to 'buying salt every one or two weeks'. The overall median thyroglobulin concentration
Diarrhoeal diseases among adult population in an agricultural community Hanam province, Vietnam, with high wastewater and excreta re-use (Publications)
excreta for a duration less than 3 months (OR = 2.4, AF 51%), handling human excreta in field work (OR = 5.4, AF 7%), handling animal excreta in field work (OR = 3.3, AF 36%), lack of protective measures while [...] 78%), never or rarely washing hands with soap (OR = 3.3, AF 51%), use of rainwater for drinking (OR = 5.4, AF 77%) and eating raw vegetables the day before (OR = 2.4, AF 12%). CONCLUSIONS: Our study shows
Malaria: a major health problem within an oil palm plantation around Popondetta, Papua New Guinea (Publications)
the years 2005 and 2006. RESULTS: Malaria prevalence was found to be high: all-age prevalence was 33.5% (95% CI 30.1-37.0) in 723 individuals. Plasmodium falciparum was the dominant species, followed by [...] Haemoglobin levels were found to be low; 11.0 g/dl (95% CI 10.8-11.1) for men and 10.4 g/dl (95% CI 10.3-10.5) for women, respectively. Plasmodium falciparum infections were significantly associated with anaemia
Design, implementation and evaluation of a national campaign to deliver 18 million free long-lasting insecticidal nets to uncovered sleeping spaces in... (Publications)
President's Malaria Initiative. A total of 18.2 million LLINs were delivered at an average cost of USD 5.30 per LLIN. Overall, 83% of the expenses were used for LLIN procurement and delivery and 17% for campaign [...] Malaria Indicator Survey (2011-12) show that household ownership of at least one ITN increased to 91.5%. ITN use, among children under-five years of age, improved to 72.7% after the campaign. ITN ownership