Growth losses in Swiss forests caused by ozone: epidemiological data analysis of stem increment of <em>Fagus sylvatica L.</em> and <em>Picea... (Publications)
forest growth losses by ozone on a country-wide scale. For Switzerland, these estimates amount to 19.5% growth reduction for deciduous forests, 6.6% for coniferous forests and 11.0% for all forested areas
Occurrence of <em>Giardia lamblia</em> in recreational streams in Basel-Landschaft, Switzerland (Publications)
detection method was validated and evaluated in a series of field studies. G. lamblia was detected in 97.5% of surface water samples taken from two streams (Birs and Ergolz) located in the canton Basel-Landschaft
RF exposure survey of children and adults: first results from Slovenia (Publications)
never been conducted. Within the FP-7 funded project Geronimo a personal RF exposure measurements in 5 European countries are conducted following a common measurement protocol. First measurements from 49
Diagnosis of <em>Opisthorchis viverrini</em> infection with handheld light microscopy in Lao People's Democratic Republic (Publications)
collected from 104 individuals, handheld microscopy revealed a sensitivity of 70.6% and a specificity of 89.5% for O. viverrini infection. Pearson's correlation for quantitative fecal egg counts between the two
Antitrypanosomal quinoline alkaloids from the roots of <em>Waltheria indica</em> (Publications)
the isolated constituents were evaluated for their in vitro antitrypanosomal activity. Compounds 4, 5, and 8 showed potent and selective growth inhibition toward Trypanosoma cruzi with IC50 values between
Evaluation of ethnobotanically selected Benin medicinal plants for their in vitro antiplasmodial activity (Publications)
plants showed antiplasmodial activity below 10 microg/ml. Nine extracts exhibited IC50 values below 5 microg/ml towards one or both of the two strains. The most active extract towards the sensitive 3D7
Isoneocryptolepine, a synthetic indoloquinoline alkaloid, as an antiplasmodial lead compound (Publications)
ne isomer, isoneocryptolepine (4), and a quaternary derivative, N-methyl-isocryptolepinium iodide (5). The latter compounds showed a high antiplasmodial activity against the chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium
Cinnamoylphenethyl amides from <em>Polygonum hyrcanicum</em> possess anti-trypanosomal activity (Publications)
but less active compounds, such as cannabisin B (2), tyrosol (3), p-coumaric acid (4), ferulic acid (5), and N-cis-feruloyltyramine (6) were also identified, along with N-trans-3,4-dimethoxycinnamoyldopamine
Chemically diverse <em>S. mansoni</em> HDAC8 inhibitors reduced viability in worm larval and adult stages (Publications)
40-50% activity in adult worms at 10 microM, joined to moderate to no toxicity in human fibroblast MRC-5 cells.
Limonoid orthoacetates and antiprotozoal compounds from the roots of<em> Pseudocedrela kotschyi</em> (Publications)
(1-3), named kotschyins A-C, and the known compounds 7-deacetylgedunin (4) and 7-deacetyl-7-oxogedunin (5). The structures of 1-3 were elucidated by analytical methods including 1D- and 2D-NMR spectroscopy