<em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> protein kinase 5 and the malarial nuclear division cycles (Publications)
from our proposition that PfPK5 is necessary to activate or maintain the parasite S-phase. Immunolocalization studies provide further evidence for this potential role of PfPK5 [...] Plasmodium falciparum, we investigated expression pattern, kinase activity, and localization of PfPK5, a putative malarial member of the family of cyclin-dependent protein kinase (cdks). The kinase was [...] from parasites blocked with the cell-cycle inhibitor aphidicolin. An elevated kinase activity of PfPK5 from...
5G Exposure, Causal Effects, and Risk Perception through Citizen Engagement (Projects)
resulting from 5G deployment; iii) assess neuropsychological effects among young people, and iv) quantify potential health impacts of exposures at the population level; v) assess effects of 5G on brain function [...] remarkable among young people and workers, the most sensitive and exposed groups, respectively. In GOLIAT (5 G exp O sure, causa L effects, and r I sk perception through citizen eng A gemen T ) project ( http [...] vi) identify effective means of exposure reduction; vii) understand...
Community-Based chronic disease Care Lesotho: A 5-year implementation research programme to tackle non-communicable diseases in rural Lesotho (Projects)
Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes and high blood pressure are the number one cause of death and disability globally. More than 75% of premature NCD-related deaths occur in low- and mid
Preclinical profiling of virosomally formulated B-cell epitope mimetics derived from the novel key malaria vaccine candidates CyRPA and RH5 (Projects)
Clinical testing of two components for a synthetic peptide-based virosomal malaria vaccine has yielded promising results, encouraging the search for additional components for inclusion in a final mult
Effectiveness of school-based preventive chemotherapy strategies for sustaining the control of schistosomiasis in Côte d’Ivoire: results of a 5-year... (Publications)
thick smears, among children aged 9-12 years at the time of each survey. First-grade children, aged 5-8 years who had never received praziquantel, were also tested at baseline and at the end of the study [...] final year, we observed the lowest prevalence of 10.4% in arm 1, compared to 18.2% in arm 2 and 17.5% in arm 3. The comparison between arms 1 and 2 estimated an odds ratio (OR) of 0.52 but the difference [...] final year survey were observed in arm 1 (7.9 eggs per gram of stool (EPG))....
NO2 and PM2.5 exposures and lung function in Swiss adults: estimated effects of short-term exposures and long-term exposures with and without... (Publications)
-18.5 ml [-26.5, -10.5]). A 10mug/m3 increase in 1-y mean NO2 was also associated with lower FEV1 (-7.7 ml; -15.9, 0.5) and FVC (-21.6 ml; -31.9, -11.4), as was a 10mug/m3 increase in 1-y mean PM2.5 (FEV1: [...] dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than or equal to 2.5. microns (PM2.5) exposures on lung function has been investigated mainly in children and less in adults. Furthermore [...] NO2 and PM2.5 on the day of the pulmonary function test was associated...
Re-estimated equations for 5th percentiles of lung function variables (Letter to editors) (Publications)
applied extrapolations of the 5th percentile curves to men aged between 60 and 70 years2 and have found that for some of the lung function parameters---for example, FEV1---the 5th percentiles appeared to get [...] In 1996 we published reference equations for the 5th percentiles of lung function parameters (FVC, FEV1, PEF, FEF25, FEF50, FEF75, FEF25-75, FEV1/FVC) as a function of age and height.1 These reference
Differences in indoor versus outdoor concentrations of ultrafine particles, PM2.5, PMabsorbance and NO2 in Swiss homes (Publications)
rural homes. Average indoor levels were 7800 particles/cm3 (interquartile range=7200); 8.7 mug/m3 (6.5) PM2.5 and 10.2 mug/m3 (11.2) NO2. All pollutants showed large variability of indoor/outdoor ratios between [...] measurements of particle number concentrations (PNC), particulate matter (PM), light absorbance of PM2.5 (PMabsorbance) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Residents of all homes were enrolled in the Swiss Cohort
Land use regression models for crustal and traffic-related PM2.5 constituents in four areas of the SAPALDIA study (Publications)
particulate matter (PM2.5), but there is still limited knowledge regarding the causal relationship between specific sources of PM2.5 and such health effects. The spatial variability of PM2.5 constituents and [...] (SAPALDIA). Reflectance analysis and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (XRF) were performed on PM2.5 filter samples to estimate light absorbance and trace element concentrations, respectively. Three air