Comparative functional survival and equivalent annual cost of 3 long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) products in Tanzania: a randomised trial with... (Publications)
significantly different between the 3 net products (p = 0.001): 2.0 years (95% CI 1.7-2.3) for Olyset, 2.5 years (95% CI 2.2-2.8) for PermaNet 2.0 (hazard ratio [HR] 0.73 [95% CI 0.64-0.85], p = 0.001), and [...] between products as they aged. Equivalent annual cost varied between US$1.2 (95% CI $1.1-$1.4) and US$1.5 (95% CI $1.3-$1.7), assuming that each net was priced identically at US$3. The 2 longer-lived nets (PermaNet
Whole-genome sequence-informed MALDI-TOF MS diagnostics reveal importance of <em>Klebsiella oxytoca</em> group in invasive infections: a retrospective... (Publications)
cephalosporins than K. variicola isolates (odds ratio = 2.61, p = 0.003, 95% confidence interval [1.38,5.06]). K. oxytoca group isolates were found to be more likely associated with invasive infection to primary [...] sites than K. pneumoniae group isolates (odds ratio = 2.39, p = 0.0044, 95% confidence interval [1.05,5.53]). CONCLUSIONS: Currently misdiagnosed Klebsiella spp. can be distinguished using a ribosomal ma
Haematological consequences of acute uncomplicated <em>falciparum </em>malaria: a WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network pooled analysis of... (Publications)
America. The median haemoglobin concentration at presentation was 9.9 g/dL (range 5.0-19.7 g/dL) in Africa, 11.6 g/dL (range 5.0-20.0 g/dL) in Asia and 12.3 g/dL (range 6.9-17.9 g/dL) in South America. Moderately
Guide posts for investment in primary health care and projected resource needs in 67 low-income and middle-income countries: a modelling study (Publications)
$65. Overall health workforces would need to increase from 5.6 workers per 1000 population to 6.7 per 1000 population, delivering an average of 5.9 outpatient visits per capita per year. Increasing coverage
<em>In vitro</em> antiplasmodial activity and cytotoxicity of extracts and chromatographic fractions of twigs from <em>Pappea capensi</em>s EckI &... (Publications)
dried and then ground to fine powder. A solvent mixture of dichloromethane: methanol: water (1:0.5:0.5, v/v) was used to extract. The polar extract was separated from the non-polar. The organic extract
Towards Elimination of Malaria in Tanzania (Projects)
greatly strengthened evidence-based planning and capacity building of government staff. During the past 5 years, activities implemented by Swiss actors had a leverage of over 100 dollars per dollar invested [...] Tanzanian experience at regional and global level. The total cost for this phase of years amounts to CHF 5,800,000. Switzerland’s contribution through the TEMT project will cover all technical and strategic
Bayesian spatial models applied to malaria epidemiology (Publications)
representative surveys developed by RBM that collect parasitaemia data on children below the age of 5 years and are usually carried out during high malaria transmission seasons. Historical data were extracted [...] produce spatially explicit parasitaemia risk estimates and number of infected children below the age of 5 years in Senegal. Geostatistical ZIB models were able to account for the large number of zero-prevalence [...] linked malaria survey data with Remote Sensing (RS)-derived land...
Bayesian spatial models applied to malaria epidemiology (Publications)
representative surveys developed by RBM that collect parasitaemia data on children below the age of 5 years and are usually carried out during high malaria transmission seasons. Historical data were extracted [...] produce spatially explicit parasitaemia risk estimates and number of infected children below the age of 5 years in Senegal. Geostatistical ZIB models were able to account for the large number of zero-prevalence [...] linked malaria survey data with Remote Sensing (RS)-derived land...
Adoption of Levo-Praziquantel 150mg for schistosomiasis by endemic countries (ADOPT) (Projects)
distribution of praziquantel tablets to school-aged children and at-risk populations. Preschool-aged (≤5 years) children (PSAC) represent another important at-risk group but treatment options for the estimated
Factors associated with colostrum quality and effects on serum gamma globulin concentrations of calves in Swiss dairy herds (Publications)
factors were assessed by logistic regression of questionnaire data. RESULTS: Prevalence values of 15.5% (95% confidence interval [CI], 12.0-19.6%) for low-quality colostrum ( 6 hours between parturition