Prediction of MS disability by multimodal evoked potentials: investigation during relapse or in the relapse-free interval? (Publications)
baseline EP compound measure (s-EP-QT0) for each group. RESULTS: Median EDSST0 was 3.0 for Group 1 and 1.5 for Group 2. Mean disease durations were 2.0 and 2.8years, respectively. Median EDSST2 was 2.0 for both
Relative validation of a food frequency questionnaire to estimate food intake in an adult population (Publications)
group level from 0.09 (soup) to 0.92 (alcohol). Nine out of 25 food groups showed correlations > 0.5, indicating moderate validity. More than half the food groups were overestimated in the FFQ, especially
Common variants in Mendelian kidney disease genes and their association with renal function (Publications)
entries, corresponding to mutations in 258 genes. We interrogated common SNPs (minor allele frequency > 5%) within these genes for association with the estimated GFR in 74,354 European-ancestry participants
Synthesis and antiprotozoal activities of benzyl phenyl ether diamidine derivatives (Publications)
in four daily 25 mg/kg oral doses, and the 2-chloro-4,4'-diamidine 18 cured 3/4 mice in four daily 5 mg/kg intraperitoneal doses.
Sociocultural context of suicidal behaviour in the Sundarban region of India (Publications)
were uncertain about their "intention to die," and pesticide poisoning was the commonest method (95.5%). Significant male-female differences were found with respect to education level, occupation, and venue
Household survey of pesticide practice, deliberate self-harm and suicide in the Sundarban region of west Bengal, India (Publications)
about safe storage of pesticides. The pesticide-related annual DSH rate was 158.1 (95% CI 126.2-195.5), and for suicide it was 73.4 (95% CI 52.2-100.3) per 100,000. Unsafe pesticide practice and psychosocial
The public health significance and control of schistosomiasis in China - then and now (Publications)
have been reached in 260 counties (60.0%), transmission control has been achieved in 63 counties (14.5%), but the disease was still endemic in the remaining 110 counties (25.4%). Comparison between the number
Patterns of exposure to infectious diseases and social contacts in early life and risk of brain tumours in children and adolescents: an International... (Publications)
olds with 4+ monthly sick day, the respective odds ratios were 2.93 (95% confidence interval: 1.57-5.50) and 4.21 (95% confidence interval: 1.24-14.30).Interpretation:There was little support for the
Timeliness and completeness of vaccination and risk factors for low and late vaccine uptake in young children living in rural southern Tanzania (Publications)
DTP-3 and 296/643 (46%) for MCV-1. Coverage was lower for all vaccines except DTP-1 in children living .5 km from a healthcare facility. Delayed uptake was associated with poverty. Low and delayed MCV-1 vaccination
Screening for mutations related to atovaquone/proguanil resistance in treatment failures and other imported isolates of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em>... (Publications)
frequent than 0.77%. In 58 patients treated with atovaquone/proguanil, Tyr268Ser was present in 1 of 5 patients with treatment failure but in 0 of 53 successfully treated patients. CONCLUSIONS: Tyr268Ser