Kinetic characterization of squalene synthase from<em> Trypanosoma cruzi:</em> selective inhibition by quinuclidine derivatives (Publications)
The Michaelis-Menten constants of the purified enzyme for farnesyl diphosphate and NAD (NADPH) were 5.25 and 23.34 microM, respectively, whereas the V(max) was 1,428.56 nmol min(-1)mg(-1). Several quinuclidine
Cytochrome P450 6M2 from the malaria vector <em>Anopheles gambiae</em> metabolizes pyrethroids: sequential metabolism of deltamethrin revealed (Publications)
Both permethrin and deltamethrin were metabolized. Rates were enhanced by A. gambiae cytochrome b(5) with kinetic parameters of K(M)=12+/-4muM and k(cat)=6+/-1 per min for permethrin (1:1 cis-trans) and
Acute phase proteins and white blood cell levels for prediction of infectious complications in status epilepticus (Publications)
Subgroup analysis was performed for additional PCT measurements in the first 48 hours of SE. RESULTS: 22.5% of 160 consecutive SE patients had infections during SE. Single levels of CRP and WBC had no association
Inhibition of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> fatty acid biosynthesis: evaluation of FabG, FabZ, and FabI as drug targets for flavonoids (Publications)
microM), the more complex flavonoids (12-16) exhibited strong activity toward all three enzymes (IC50 0.5-8 microM). Isoflavonoids 26-28 showed moderate (IC50 7-30 microM) but selective activity against FabZ
Mapping and prediction of schistosomiasis in Nigeria using compiled survey data and Bayesian geospatial modelling (Publications)
one state (Rivers). The average prevalence for each species at each survey location varied between 0.5% and 100% for S. haematobium, 0.2% to 87% for S. mansoni and 1% to 10% for S. intercalatum. The estimated
Poor validity of noninvasive hemoglobin measurements by pulse oximetry compared with conventional absorptiometry in children in Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
Noninvasive Hb measurements were attempted in 191 children 2-15 years of age and obtained in 102 (53.5%) children. The median Hb for the 102 children was 12.0 g/dL (interquartile range [IQR] = 11.3-12.7
Spatial analysis and risk mapping of soil-transmitted helminth infections in Brazil, using Bayesian geostatistical models (Publications)
provided mean prevalence estimates for A. lumbricoides, T. trichiura and hookworm of 15.6%, 10.1% and 2.5%, respectively. By considering infection risk and population numbers at the unit of the municipality
Bayesian geostatistical modeling of Malaria Indicator Survey data in Angola (Publications)
of the key malaria control interventions and measuring malaria-related burden among children under 5 years of age. In this paper, the Angolan MIS data were analyzed to produce the first smooth map of
A high force of <em>Plasmodium vivax</em> blood-stage infection drives the rapid acquisition of immunity in Papua New Guinean children (Publications)
falciparum and P. vivax. In this cohort, P. vivax episodes decreased three-fold over the age range of 1-4.5 years. RESULTS: On average, children acquired 14.0 new P. vivax blood-stage clones/child/year-at-risk
Risk factors and spatial patterns of hookworm infection among schoolchildren in a rural area of western Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
hookworm infection prevalence, based on the pooled microscopic diagnoses, was 43.3% and ranged from 5.4 to 79.1% in the schools surveyed. Bivariate analyses showed that sex, age, socio-economic status,