Microbiological characterisation of community-acquired urinary tract infections in Bagamoyo, Tanzania: a prospective study (Publications)
time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry and automated resistance testing. Overall, 104 out of 270 (38.5%) individuals had a positive urine culture and 119 putative pathogens were identified. The most frequently
User-centred design of a final results report for participants in multi-sensor personal air pollution exposure monitoring campaigns (Publications)
mapped using a survey (n = 82), and feedback on the draft report was obtained from a focus group (n = 5). User requirements were assessed and validated using a post-campaign survey (n = 31). The UCD research
Investigation of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for assessing the molecular diversity of C<em>ampylobacter jejuni</em> and comparison with MLST and... (Publications)
cgMLST profile, respectively. The random forest classifier showed a sensitivity and specificity up to 97.5% to predict four different STs. Protein profiles allowed to predict C. jejuni CCs, STs and CTs at 100%
Evaluation of the Community-Based Malaria Surveillance and Response in Rwanda (Projects)
Malaria cases and incidence have considerably reduced in Rwanda in the last 5 years. Further decreasing and ultimately reducing transmissions to zero in our communities including high-risk or vulnerable
TbX: Systems Biology of Drug-resistant Tuberculosis in the field (Projects)
patient populations. We will test these hypotheses by addressing the following Objectives divided into 5 Subprojects: Define and model the molecular phenotypic space across the phylogenomic diversity of the [...] validating our metabolic models proposed to be predictive of successful transmission. Although all 5 subprojects are highly integrated, each will stand on its own and generate valuable new datasets and [...] project, the TbX consortium will get access to a nation-wide collection of MTBC...
High-frequency changes in pilin glycosylation patterns during <em>Neisseria meningitidis</em> serogroup a meningitis outbreaks in the African... (Publications)
Ghana and Burkina Faso, meningococcal isolates belonging to the closely related hypervirulent A:ST-5, A:ST-7, and A:ST-2859 clones have been collected from 1998 to 2011 during meningococcal outbreaks.
High-Frequency Changes in Pilin Glycosylation Patterns during Neisseria meningitidis Serogroup a Meningitis Outbreaks in the African Meningitis Belt (Publications)
Ghana and Burkina Faso, meningococcal isolates belonging to the closely related hypervirulent A:ST-5, A:ST-7, and A:ST-2859 clones have been collected from 1998 to 2011 during meningococcal outbreaks.
Radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure and non-specific symptoms of ill health: a systematic review (Publications)
The pooled correct field detection rate was 4.2% better than expected by chance (95% CI: -2.1 to 10.5). There was no evidence that EHS individuals could detect presence or absence of RF-EMF better than
Linking air pollution exposure models with health: the challenge of choices (Projects)
different pollutants is needed. In this project, we will apply several exposure models for PM10, PM2.5, NO2, BC, and O3 with high spatial and temporal resolution to health outcomes from the Swiss popula
Biobanks | Research Infrastructure at Swiss TPH (Page)
reference collections of diverse pathogens from around the world. We have storage capacity for over 1.5 million samples and (for the first time) storage under liquid nitrogen (at -196°C), which preserves