Human health benefits from livestock vaccination for brucellosis: case study (Publications)
contribute 11%, which gives a cost-effectiveness of US$ 19.1 per DALY averted (95% confidence interval 5.3-486.8). If private economic gain because of improved human health was included, the health sector
Morbidity and nutrition patterns of three nomadic pastoralist communities of Chad (Publications)
complaint were rare. Pulmonary disorders (e.g. bronchitis) were most often diagnosed for children under 5 years of age. Of the adult participants, 4.6% were suspected of tuberculosis. Febrile diarrhoea occurred
Short Message Service (SMS) applications for disease prevention in developing countries (Publications)
prevention in developing countries. RESULTS: A total of 34 SMS applications were described, among which 5 had findings of an evaluation reported. The majority of SMS applications were pilot projects in various
First-in-man safety and pharmacokinetics of synthetic ozonide OZ439 demonstrates an improved exposure profile relative to other peroxide antimalarials (Publications)
presence of food, no effect was observed on the t(1/2) of OZ439 while the exposure was increased by 3 to 4.5-fold. Exposure was higher and inter-subject variability was reduced when OZ439 was administered as an
Harnessing the wealth of Chinese scientific literature: schistosomiasis research and control in China (Publications)
"Schistosoma" () and covering the period 1990-2006, we obtained 10,244 hits in the CNKI database and 5,975 in VIP. We examined 10 Chinese biomedical journals that published the highest number of original
Urban agriculture and <em>Anopheles</em> habitats in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (Publications)
using multivariate logistic regression with independent random effects. It was found that more than 5% of the study area (total size 16.8 km2) was used for farming in backyard gardens and larger open spaces
Analysis of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> var genes expressed in children from Papua New Guinea (Publications)
RESULTS: Twenty-five percent of centrally located var genes were shared between children, whereas only 5% of subtelomeric genes were shared, indicating lower diversity in the former group. Linkage between
Associations between home- and family-related factors and fruit juice and soft drink intake among 10- to 12-year old children: the ENERGY project (Publications)
consumption). 7915 children (52% girls; mean age=11.7±0.8 years) and 6512 parents (83% women; mean age=41.4±5.3 years) completed the questionnaire. Multilevel regression analyses were used to examine the aforementioned
Risk of<em> vibrio</em> transmission linked to the consumption of crustaceans in coastal towns of Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
crustaceans, confirming the high probability of exposure of human population to Vibrio spp., and 7.5% reported symptoms of food poisoning after consumption of crustaceans. The absence of genes encoding
Prevalence of epilepsy in a rural district of central Lao PDR (Publications)
subjects. An overall prevalence of 7.7 cases of epilepsy per thousand inhabitants was calculated (95% CI 5.3-10.7). Generalized epilepsy (21 cases, 63.6%) was commoner than partial epilepsy (9 cases, 27.3%)