Occupational exposure assessment tools in Europe: a comprehensive inventory overview (Publications)
dusts and fibres (in 14 JEMs) being the most common types. Fewer JEMs covered organization of work (5) and biological factors (4). Dusts and fibres were also the most common exposures included in the databases
Genomic analyses of human adenoviruses unravel novel recombinant genotypes associated with severe infections in pediatric patients (Publications)
in causing severe infections in this study included HAdV species C genotypes (HAdV1, HAdV2, and HAdV5). Clustering of the HAdV whole-genome sequences of the severe and mild cases did not show any differences
Effects of a partially supervised conditioning program in cystic fibrosis: an international multicenter, randomized controlled trial (ACTIVATE-CF) (Publications)
control group compared with the intervention group (2.70% predicted [95% confidence interval, 0.13-5.26]; P = 0.04). The intervention group reported increased vigorous PA compared with the control group
Factors associated with stunted growth in children under five years in Antananarivo, Madagascar and Bangui, Central African Republic (Publications)
performed a case-control study on 175 + 194 stunted and 237 + 230 non-stunted control children aged 2-5 years and matched for age, gender and district of residency. Factors associated with stunting were
Prevalence of stunting and relationship between stunting and associated risk factors with academic achievement and cognitive function: a... (Publications)
African children living in marginalized communities. A cross-sectional sample of 1277 children (aged 5–12 years) was analyzed. Stunting was defined according to 2007 WHO growth references. Cognitive functioning
Structural basis of malaria RIFIN binding by LILRB1-containing antibodies (Publications)
another inhibitory receptor that binds to β2 microglobulin and RIFINs through their apical domains4,5. By screening plasma from a cohort of donors from Mali, we identified individuals with LILRB1-containing
Genotyping Group | Malaria Research at Swiss TPH (Page)
Surveillance and Response in Rwanda Malaria incidence has considerably reduced in Rwanda in the last 5 years through combined malaria control interventions. Further decreasing and reducing transmissions [...] project proposes to (1) evaluate the impact of malaria control interventions in Rwanda over the last 5 years, (2) evaluate the contribution of integrated interventions approach through reactive Community-based [...] Plasmodium falciparum infections from long-read Nanopore sequencing data. J...
Women and Gynecology in Evaluation (Projects)
150 in each care setting). Since a higher number of gynaecologists is working in the WHC (5 gynaecologists, 5 lay women) while only one in the other practices, additional 450 new and 450 long-term patients
Short- and long-term effects of a multi-component physical activity intervention in primary school (Publications)
14% reduced cardiovascular risk score, 5% reduced body mass index and skinfold thickness, 6% improved aerobic fitness, 18% higher physical activity levels, and 5-8% higher bone mineral content and bone
Short- and long-term effects of a multi-component physical activity intervention in primary school (Publications)
14% reduced cardiovascular risk score, 5% reduced body mass index and skinfold thickness, 6% improved aerobic fitness, 18% higher physical activity levels, and 5-8% higher bone mineral content and bone