Somatostatin-based radiopeptide therapy with [Lu-DOTA]-TOC versus [ Y-DOTA]-TOC in neuroendocrine tumours (Publications)
[177Lu-DOTA]-TOC. The median survival after [177Lu-DOTA]-TOC and after [90Y-DOTA]-TOC was comparable (45.5 months versus 35.9 months, hazard ratio 0.91, 95 % confidence interval 0.63-1.30, p = 0.49). Subgroup
<em>De novo</em> genome assembly shows genome wide similarity between <em>Trypanosoma brucei brucei</em> and <em>Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense</em> (Publications)
analyses among human and non-human infective T. brucei and future complete genome assembly. We detected 5,970 putative genes, of which two, an alcohol oxidoreductase and a pentatricopeptide repeat-containing
A community study of the effect of particulate matter on blood measures of inflammation and thrombosis in an elderly population (Publications)
with (23) and without (16 COPD and 8 healthy) cardiovascular disease (CVD) on 2 or 3 mornings over a 5 or 10-day period between February 2000 and March 2002. Blood measures were paired with residence level
Cellular telephone use and time trends in brain tumour mortality in Switzerland from 1969 to 2002 (Publications)
Switzerland. Age-standardized brain tumour mortality rates ranged between 3.7 and 6.7 for men and 2.5 and 4.4 for women per 100,000 person-years. For the whole study period, a significant increase in brain
Pyrethroid resistance in <em>Anopheles gambiae</em>, in Bomi County, Liberia, compromises malaria vector control (Publications)
presence of pyrethroid resistance was associated with a high frequency of the 1014F kdr allele (90.5%) although this mutation alone cannot explain the resistance levels observed. CONCLUSION: High prevalence
Temporal trends of radio-frequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) exposure in everyday environments across European cities (Publications)
frequency bands ranging from FM (Frequency Modulation, 88MHz) to WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network, 2.5GHz) was quantified with portable measurement devices (exposimeters) in various microenvironments: outdoor
The internal migration between public and faith-based health providers: a cross-sectional, retrospective and multicentre study from southern Tanzania (Publications)
and 90.6% (n = 77/85) of registered nurses to the public sector, whereby public hospitals reported 13.5% (n = 59/436) of nurses and 24.4% (n = 41/168) of registered nurses being former faith-based employees
Use of B-type natriuretic peptide in the evaluation and management of acute dyspnea (Publications)
c peptide group and 11.0 days in the control group (P=0.001). The mean total cost of treatment was 5,410 dollars (95 percent confidence interval, 4,516 dollars to 6,304 dollars) in the B-type natriuretic
Availability and costs of antiepileptic drugs and quality of phenobarbital in Vientiane municipality, Lao PDR (Publications)
diazepam) and all pharmacies sold at least 1 AED. The 2 most widely available drugs were diazepam (5 mg) and phenobarbital (100 mg), present in 87.9 and 53.0% of the pharmacies, respectively. All 34 p
Farm exposure and time trends in early childhood may influence DNA methylation in genes related to asthma and allergy (Publications)
development of asthma. DNA was extracted from cord blood and whole blood collected at the age of 4.5 years in 46 samples per time point. DNA methylation in 23 regions in ten candidate genes (ORMDL1, ORMDL2