Effect of large-scale social marketing of insecticide-treated nets on child survival in rural Tanzania (Publications)
programme. The modest average coverage achieved by 1999 in the two districts (18% in children younger than 5 years) suggests that insecticide-treated nets prevented 1 in 20 child deaths at that time. INTERPRETATION:
Long-term decline in lung function, utilisation of care and quality of life in modified GOLD stage 1 COPD (Publications)
with symptomatic stage 1 COPD (n = 224) had a faster decline in FEV(1) (-9 ml/year (95% CI -13 to -5)), increased respiratory care utilisation (OR 1.6 (95% CI 1.0 to 2.6)) and a lower quality of life than
Cellular telephone use and time trends in brain tumour mortality in Switzerland from 1969 to 2002 (Publications)
Switzerland. Age-standardized brain tumour mortality rates ranged between 3.7 and 6.7 for men and 2.5 and 4.4 for women per 100,000 person-years. For the whole study period, a significant increase in brain
A community study of the effect of particulate matter on blood measures of inflammation and thrombosis in an elderly population (Publications)
with (23) and without (16 COPD and 8 healthy) cardiovascular disease (CVD) on 2 or 3 mornings over a 5 or 10-day period between February 2000 and March 2002. Blood measures were paired with residence level
Summary of the animal homologue section of HLDA8 (Publications)
(10/17), CD44 (13/17), CD45 (9/17), CD47 (10/17), and CD49d (13/17), CD61 (6/17), CD86 (7/17), CD91 (5/17), and CD172a (10/17), indicating evolutionary highly conserved epitopes on these surface molecules
Atopic sensitization in the first year of life (Publications)
Allergy-Study in Rural Environments (PASTURE) birth cohort including 793 children from rural regions of 5 European countries. Detailed information on children's health, nutrition, and farm-related exposures
Consistently high estimates for the proportion of human exposure to malaria vector populations occurring indoors in rural Africa (Publications)
six rural sites in Burkina Faso, Tanzania, Zambia, and Kenya, with ITN use ranging from 0.2% to 82.5%, were used to calculate the proportion of human exposure to An. gambiae sensu lato and An. funestus
Comparative detection of trypanosomal DNA by loop mediated isotherma amplification and PCR from FTA cards spotted with patient blood (Publications)
from 3 T. b. gambiense HAT cases from NW Uganda were positive by TgSGP-PCR and RIME-LAMP. PCR took 5 times longer to execute than LAMP. LAMP may be useful to monitor for emerging HAT foci, or test travellers
Farm exposure and time trends in early childhood may influence DNA methylation in genes related to asthma and allergy (Publications)
development of asthma. DNA was extracted from cord blood and whole blood collected at the age of 4.5 years in 46 samples per time point. DNA methylation in 23 regions in ten candidate genes (ORMDL1, ORMDL2
Endogenous sex hormones and incident fracture risk in older men: the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study (Publications)
than 60 years had been observed between January 1989 and December 2005, with the median duration being 5.8 years (up to 13 years). Clinical risk factors, including bone mineral density and lifestyle factors