Reproductive health care for asylum-seeking women - a challenge for health professionals (Publications)
RESULTS: The principal health problems among the asylum seekers were a high rate of induced abortions (2.5 times higher than in the local population), due to inadequate contraception, and psychosocial stress
Isolation of <em>Trypanosoma brucei gambiense</em> from cured and relapsed sleeping sickness patients and adaptation to laboratory mice (Publications)
a major public health problem in some central African countries. Historically, relapse rates around 5% have been observed for treatment with melarsoprol, widely used to treat second stage patients. Later
How much remains undetected? Probability of molecular detection of human <em>Plasmodia</em> in the field (Publications)
infection (MOI). METHODS: Samples were obtained in a repeated cross-sectional field survey in 1 to 4.5 years old children from Papua New Guinea, who were followed up in 2-monthly intervals over 16 months
Total serum IgE levels are associated with ambient ozone concentration in asthmatic adults (Publications)
RESULTS: The geometric mean of total IgE was 161 IU/ml and the average of O(3) exposure was 44.9 +/- 9.5 microg/m(3). Ozone concentrations were positively related to total IgE levels and an increase of 10
Availability and costs of antiepileptic drugs and quality of phenobarbital in Vientiane municipality, Lao PDR (Publications)
diazepam) and all pharmacies sold at least 1 AED. The 2 most widely available drugs were diazepam (5 mg) and phenobarbital (100 mg), present in 87.9 and 53.0% of the pharmacies, respectively. All 34 p
Use of B-type natriuretic peptide in the evaluation and management of acute dyspnea (Publications)
c peptide group and 11.0 days in the control group (P=0.001). The mean total cost of treatment was 5,410 dollars (95 percent confidence interval, 4,516 dollars to 6,304 dollars) in the B-type natriuretic
PTEN expression is a strong predictor of survival in mesothelioma patients (Publications)
survival time was significantly longer (log rank test p=0.0001) in patients with PTEN expression (15.5 months; 95% CI: 3.8; 27.2 vs 9.7 months; 95% CI: 7.9; 11.7). Cox regression analysis revealed an association
Survival following HIV infection of a cohort followed up from seroconversion in the UK (Publications)
use (HR, 1.53; 95% CI, 1.17-2.00). In 2000-2006, the proportion of individuals expected to survive 5, 10 and 15 years following seroconversion was 99%, 94% and 89%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Survival
Comparative detection of trypanosomal DNA by loop mediated isotherma amplification and PCR from FTA cards spotted with patient blood (Publications)
from 3 T. b. gambiense HAT cases from NW Uganda were positive by TgSGP-PCR and RIME-LAMP. PCR took 5 times longer to execute than LAMP. LAMP may be useful to monitor for emerging HAT foci, or test travellers
Farm exposure and time trends in early childhood may influence DNA methylation in genes related to asthma and allergy (Publications)
development of asthma. DNA was extracted from cord blood and whole blood collected at the age of 4.5 years in 46 samples per time point. DNA methylation in 23 regions in ten candidate genes (ORMDL1, ORMDL2