Impact socio-économique du déversement de déchets toxiques à Abidjan en 2006 à l'échelle des ménages = Socio-economic impact at the household level of... (Publications)
households engaged expenses. Those were on average of 92 450 FCFA ( 141), with a minimum of 1 000 FCFA ( 1.5) and a maximum of 1500000 FCFA( 2.287), in spite of the advertisement of the exemption from payment
Cohort study of somatostatin-based radiopeptide therapy with [(90)Y-DOTA]-TOC versus [(90)Y-DOTA]-TOC plus [(177)Lu-DOTA]-TOC in neuroendocrine... (Publications)
[(177)Lu-DOTA]-TOC had a significantly longer survival than patients receiving [(90)Y-DOTA]-TOC alone (5.51 v 3.96 years; hazard ratio, 0.64; 95% CI, 0.47 to 0.88; P = .006). The rates of severe hematologic
Combined impact of negative lifestyle factors on cardiovascular risk in children: a randomized prospective study (Publications)
lifestyle factors were 15.4% (8.9-25.3), 24.3% (17.4-32.8), 36.0% (28.6-44.2), 49.8% (38.6-61.0), and 63.5% (47.2-77.2), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Even in childhood, an accumulation of negative lifestyle factors
Multiplicity of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> infection following intermittent preventive treatment in infants (Publications)
no age did MOI differ between the IPTi-SP and placebo groups (each, P [greater than or equal to] 0.5). At 15 months of age, i.e., six months after the second dose, MOI was very similar for children who
Serum levels and genotype distribution of alpha1-antitrypsin in the general population (Publications)
Study on Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults (SAPALDIA) cohort. RESULTS: The following ranges (5th-95th percentile) of AAT were found in the serum (g/litre): 1.050-1.640 for PI*MM, 0.880-1.369 for
Environmental and mucosal microbiota and their role in childhood asthma (Publications)
diversity in mattress dust samples as determined by richness (p=8.1 * 10-6 ) and Shannon index (p=1.3 * 10-5 ). Despite considerable agreement of richness between mattress and nasal samples, the association of
Personal radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure measurements in Swiss adolescents (Publications)
8%). WLAN at school and at home had little impact on the personal measurements (WLAN accounted for 3.5% of total personal measurements). According to the dose calculations, exposure from environmental sources
Ten-year trends of syphilis in sero-surveillance of pregnant women in Rwanda and correlates of syphilis-HIV co-infection (Publications)
more frequently in both rural (aOR = 3.64 [95% CI: 1.56%-8.51%]) and urban areas (aOR = 7.26 [95% CI: 5.04%-10.46%]). Older participants (25-49 years) residing in urban areas (aOR = 0.43[95% CI: 0.32%-0.58%])
Menopause as a predictor of new-onset asthma: a longitudinal Northern European population study (Publications)
odds of new-onset asthma were increased in women who were transitional (odds ratio, 2.40; 95% CI, 1.09-5.30), early postmenopausal (odds ratio, 2.11; 95% CI, 1.06-4.20), and late postmenopausal (odds ratio
Somatostatin-based radiopeptide therapy with [Lu-DOTA]-TOC versus [ Y-DOTA]-TOC in neuroendocrine tumours (Publications)
[177Lu-DOTA]-TOC. The median survival after [177Lu-DOTA]-TOC and after [90Y-DOTA]-TOC was comparable (45.5 months versus 35.9 months, hazard ratio 0.91, 95 % confidence interval 0.63-1.30, p = 0.49). Subgroup