Out-of-pocket expenditures for primary health care in Tajikistan: a time-trend analysis (Publications)
of patients reporting expenditures for drugs has increased, and the median amounts have doubled from 5.3 US$ to 10.7 US$. Thus, the expenditures on medicine represent the biggest financial burden for patients
Transmission of malaria in relation to distribution and coverage of long-lasting insecticidal nets in central Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
the EIR decreased significantly from 514.6 ib/h/y to 62.0 ib/h/y (Bozi) and from 83.9 ib/h/y to 25.5 ib/h/y (Yoho). The risk of an infectious bite over the three-year period was significantly lower in
Reconstructing the 2003/2004 H3N2 influenza epidemic in Switzerland with a spatially explicit, individual-based model (Publications)
in empirical data are also reflected by the model: Highest infection rates are in children between 5 and 14 and the disease spreads along the main transport axes from west to east. CONCLUSIONS: We show
Health-related quality of life in migrant preschool children (Publications)
children with none, one or two migrant parents, respectively; Youp'la Bouge: 83.8 +/- 8.6; 82.9 +/- 9.5; 80.7 +/- 11.7, all p < 0.05). Similar results were found in Ballabeina and Youp'la Bouge for social
Development of an<em> in vitro</em> drug sensitivity assay based on newly excysted larvae of <em>Echinostoma caproni</em> (Publications)
iae to excyst at a rate of about 20-60% larvae excysted. NEL remained viable in culture medium for 5--7 days. The results of an in vitro drug assay using NEL mirrored the results of an assay using adult
Domestic radon exposure and risk of childhood cancer: a prospective census-based cohort study (Publications)
nationwide census-based cohort study including all children < 16 years of age living in Switzerland on 5 December 2000, the date of the 2000 census. Follow-up lasted until the date of diagnosis, death, emigration
Atopic sensitization in the first year of life (Publications)
Allergy-Study in Rural Environments (PASTURE) birth cohort including 793 children from rural regions of 5 European countries. Detailed information on children's health, nutrition, and farm-related exposures
Long-term decline in lung function, utilisation of care and quality of life in modified GOLD stage 1 COPD (Publications)
with symptomatic stage 1 COPD (n = 224) had a faster decline in FEV(1) (-9 ml/year (95% CI -13 to -5)), increased respiratory care utilisation (OR 1.6 (95% CI 1.0 to 2.6)) and a lower quality of life than
Virosome-formulated <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> AMA-1 & CSP derived peptides as malaria vaccine: randomized phase 1b trial in semi-immune... (Publications)
double-blind, controlled, age-deescalating study with two immunizations. 10 adults and 40 children (aged 5-9 years) living in a malaria endemic area were immunized with PEV3B or virosomal influenza vaccine
Understanding suicide attempts among gay men from their self-perceived causes (Publications)
cultural epidemiology. In all, 16.7% of the respondents reported a suicide attempt in their lifetime (59.5% of them with multiple attempts). At their latest attempt, over two thirds asserted intent to die, and