Traditional milk transformation schemes in Côte d'Ivoire and their impact on the prevalence of <em>Streptococcus bovis</em> complex bacteria in dairy... (Publications)
Sii with 62.8% and 38.8% as well as Streptococcus gallolyticus subsp. macedonicus with 7.0% and 7.5% were the predominant SBSEC species identified among fermented and unfermented milk samples, respectively
Malaria elimination transmission and costing in the Asia-Pacific: developing an investment case (Publications)
ons and reducing treatment coverage rates to 50% will result in an additional 845 million cases, 3.5 million deaths, and excess costs of USD 7 billion. Malaria elimination provides a 6:1 return on investment
Leprosy and cutaneous leishmaniasis affecting the same individuals: a retrospective cohort analysis in a hyperendemic area in Brazil (Publications)
using a Cox model we identified male sex (HR: 2.3; 95% CI: 1.7-2.9) and low schooling level (HR: 1.5; 95% CI: 1.2-1.9) as positively associated with the outcome. Furthermore, the hazard of developing the
Perinatal mental health care from the user and provider perspective: protocol for a qualitative study in Switzerland (Publications)
involved in perinatal care, and a health insurance representative. The focus groups will consist of 5-8 professionals. Data collection and thematic analysis will consider Levesque's et al. (2013) conceptual
Cancer in HIV-positive and HIV-negative adolescents and young adults in South Africa: a cross-sectional study (Publications)
(aOR 2.12, 95% CI 1.69 to 2.66) and anogenital cancers other than cervix (aOR 2.73, 95% CI 1.27 to 5.86) than AYAs without HIV. About 44% (n=1062) of AYAs with HIV-related cancers had not been tested for
Treatment strategies for nitroimidazole-refractory giardiasis: a systematic review (Publications)
data was conducted with pooling of data for interventions. KEY FINDINGS: Included in this review were 5 prospective studies, 3 retrospective studies, 7 case series and 9 case reports. Across these reports
Antimicrobial resistance in rural settings in Latin America: a scoping review with a One Health lens (Publications)
only 1 article out of 21 considered the OH approach as a framework for their sampling scheme, whereas 5 out 21 discussed all the three OH components. There were hardly any descriptions of humans or human
Tick borne relapsing fever: a systematic review and analysis of the literature (Publications)
3%) compared to louse-borne relapsing fever (LBRF) (55.8%). The overall case fatality rate of TBRF (6.5%) and LBRF (4-10.2%) appears to not differ. Unlike LBRF, where perinatal fatalities are primarily a
The INSPIRE population survey: development, dissemination and respondent characteristics (Publications)
ire. RESULTS: The overall response rate was 30.7% (n = 8,846), with variations between 20.6 and 34.5% across the different care regions in the canton. A generally higher response rate was found in the
Long-term neurological and psychological distress symptoms among smallholder farmers in Costa Rica with a history of acute pesticide poisoning (Publications)
in hands or feet (3.23; 1.66, 6.32), insomnia (2.53; 1.34, 4.79), accelerated heartrate (2.42; 1.03, 5.47), dizziness (2.38; 1.19, 4.72), increased irritability/anger (2.37; 1.23, 4.55), low energy (2.33;