Preparation of sesquiterpene lactone-loaded PLA nanoparticles and evaluation of their antitrypanosomal activity (Publications)
a rounded knotty depression like a navel orange. The average particle sizes were 202.3, 220.3, 219.5, 216.9, and 226.4 nm for alpha-santonin, arglabin, schkuhrin II, vernolepin, and eucannabinolide, r
Bovine leptospirosis in abattoirs in Uganda: molecular detection and risk of exposure among workers (Publications)
published in GenBank. Of 500 cattle tested, 36 (7.2%) had Leptospira DNA in their kidneys (carriers), 29 (5.8%) in their urine (shedders); with an overall prevalence (kidney and/or urine) of 8.8%. Leptospira
Malaria standby emergency treatment (SBET) for travelers visiting malaria endemic areas: a systematic review and meta-analysis (Publications)
including long-term travelers. The overall pooled prevalence of SBET use among the 26'403 travelers was 2.5% (95%CI 1.1%-4.3%; range 0.4%-10.8%). There was significant variation in the proportion of travelers
Gaussian process emulation to improve efficiency of computationally intensive multidisease models: a practical tutorial with adaptable R code (Publications)
of more complex chronic disease simulation models. One emulator run took 3.00 seconds (95% CI: 1.65-5.28) on a 64-bit operating system laptop with 8.00 gigabytes (GB) of Random Access Memory (RAM), compared
Distribution and treatment needs of soil-transmitted helminthiasis in Bangladesh: a Bayesian geostatistical analysis of 2017-2020 national survey data (Publications)
soil's fine earth fraction was related to a high hookworm prevalence. Furthermore, we estimated that 30.5 (27.2; 36.0) million dosages of anthelmintic treatments for school-age children were required per year
Effectiveness of behavioural change interventions on physical activity, diet and body mass index of public primary healthcare users in Kosovo: the... (Publications)
interventions and BMI was quantified using linear regression. RESULTS: There was a high rate of smokers 20.5% and obesity 53.1%, and high rates of self-reported diagnoses of diabetes: 57.1%; hypertension 62.6%
Evaluation of the Qvella FAST System and the FAST-PBC cartridge for rapid species identification and antimicrobial resistance testing directly from... (Publications)
MicroScan and DD, respectively. Similar results were obtained for Gram-negative bacteria with 96.6% and 97.5% of CA for MicroScan and DD, respectively. Taken together, the FAST System LC allowed the laboratory
Evaluation of COVID-19 antigen rapid diagnostic tests for self-testing in Lesotho and Zambia (Publications)
conducted with qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Firstly, 14 in-depth cognitive interviews (5 in Zambia and 9 in Lesotho) were performed to assess the participants' understanding of the instructions
Health system utilization and perceived quality among adults in Lao PDR: evidence from a nationally representative phone survey (Publications)
representative estimates. RESULTS: A total of 2007 adults completed interviews in approximately 3.5 months. About two thirds (65%) of respondents reported visiting a health facility in the past year and
Antibiotic point prevalence survey and antimicrobial resistance in hospitalized patients across Peruvian reference hospitals (Publications)
antibiotics (74.2 %) were prescribed as empirical treatment, only 4.4 % as targeted treatment. For 9.5 % of cases the reason for antibiotic use was unknown. Cephalosporins were the most prescribed (30.0