Associations between modeled residential outdoor and measured personal exposure to ultrafine particles in four European study areas (Publications)
outdoor versus personal exposure were smaller for UFP (0.16 ± 0.04) than for simultaneously measured PM2.5 and soot (0.32 ± 0.10 and 0.43 ± 0.06). Our findings provide some support for the use of LUR models
Potential impact of climatic factors on malaria in Rwanda between 2012 and 2021: a time-series analysis (Publications)
temperature and rainfall thresholds influenced malaria incidence across Rwanda. Average temperature of 18.5 °C was associated with higher malaria risk, while temperature above 23.9 °C reduced the risk. Rainfall
Mosquito net coverage in years between mass distributions: a case study of Tanzania, 2013 (Publications)
80% through the addition of UTNs. Overall net use of the population was low (LLINs: 32.8%; UTNs: 9.5%) and net use:access ratio was below target level (LLINs: 0.66; UTN: 0.50). Both measures varied si
Gender differences in the association between life history of body silhouettes and asthma incidence: results from the SAPALDIA cohort study (Publications)
(OR 1.93, 95% CI 1.13–3.30). This association was stronger in women at age 60 (OR 2.78, 95% CI 1.49–5.18) and observed also at menopause (OR 1.35, 95% CI 1.03–1.78), as well as per unit change in body
Age-related comorbidities and mortality in people living with HIV in rural Tanzania: data from a prospective cohort study (Publications)
with mortality/LTFU [hazard ratios 1.04 (95% CI 0.56-1.93), P = 0.9]. Undernutrition ranged from 25.5% in the youngest to 29.1% in the oldest age group and contributed to mortality/LTFU [hazard ratios 2
Mortality of neurological disorders in Tanzania: analysis of baseline data from sample vital registration with verbal autopsy (SAVVY) (Publications)
06% (95% CI: 1.12-3.01). Overall, mortality of ND was estimated with a CSMF of 4.99% (95% CI: 4.40-5.58). Conclusions: The SAVVY survey provides estimates of mortality burden of ND in Tanzania. The study
Clinical characteristics and outcome of children hospitalized with scrub typhus in an area of endemicity (Publications)
observed include hepatitis (9 of 35 [26%]), severe thrombocytopenia (7 of 35 [20%]), pneumonitis (5 of 35 [14%]), circulatory shock (4 of 35 [11%]), and acute respiratory distress syndrome (3 of 35 [9%])
Large-scale implementation of electronic Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (eIMCI) at the primary care level in Burkina Faso: a qualitative... (Publications)
types of microbes, 9 and 4 out of 21 participants could mention bacteria and virus respectively; only 5 correctly answered that antibiotics had no action on viral disease and 6 mentioned the risk of antibiotic
Self-reported and urinary biomarker-based measures of exposure to glyphosate and mancozeb and sleep problems among smallholder farmers in Uganda (Publications)
status (never, last 7 days and last 12 months), (4) the number of application days last 12 months, (5) average exposure-intensity scores (EIS) and (6) EIS-weighted number of application days in last 12 months
Circulating biomarkers of airflow limitation across the life span (Publications)
% predicted levels of FEV(1)/FVC and FEV(1) in TESAOD. In cross-sectional multivariate analyses the 5-biomarker score was associated with FEV(1) % predicted in all adult cohorts (meta-analyzed FEV(1) decrease