Adjuvanting a subunit COVID-19 vaccine to induce protective immunity (Publications)
variant efficiently but showed a reduced response against the B.1.351 variant. RBD-NP-AS03 produced a 4.5-fold reduction in neutralization of B.1.351 whereas the group immunized with RBD-NP-AS37 produced a
Potential drivers for schistosomiasis persistence: population genetic analyses from a cluster-randomized urogenital schistosomiasis elimination trial... (Publications)
1,522 miracidia from 176 children; 303 from 43 adults; age-range 6-75, mean 12.7 years) and at year 5 (2016: 1,486 miracidia from 146 children; 214 from 25 adults; age-range 9-46, mean 12.4 years). Measures
Cohort profile: molecular signature in pregnancy (MSP): longitudinal high-frequency sampling to characterise cross-omic trajectories in pregnancy in a... (Publications)
singletons averaged 16 (IQR 15-18) antenatal visits (13 094 biological samples were collected). At 5% (19/381) the preterm birth rate was low. Other adverse events such as maternal febrile illness 7.1%
Attrition, physical integrity and insecticidal activity of long-lasting insecticidal nets in sub-Saharan Africa and modelling of their impact on... (Publications)
METHODS: Starting in 2009, LLIN durability studies were conducted in seven countries in Africa over 5 years. WHO-recommended measures of attrition, LLIN use, insecticidal activity, and physical integrity
Machine learning prediction models for clinical management of blood-borne viral infections: a systematic review of current applications and future... (Publications)
and two (6.1%) on co-infection. Among these, six (18.2%) addressed the diagnosis of infection, 16 (48.5%) the prognosis of infection, eight (24.2%) the prediction of treatment response, two (6.1%) progression
Competitive co-adsorption of bacteriophage MS2 and natural organic matter onto multiwalled carbon nanotubes (Publications)
MWCNT surface saturation at initial SRNOM concentrations between 10 and 15 mgC/L, for water pH between 5.2 and 8.7. These results suggested that at NOM:virus ratios found in natural waters, the NOM would
Evaluation of a urogenital schistosomiasis behavioural intervention among students from rural schools in Unguja and Pemba islands, Zanzibar (Publications)
and self-reported changes in risk behaviours: stopped washing laundry/dishes 49.4% (350/708) versus 5.8% (43/743), stopped bathing in streams/ponds 49.4% (350/708) versus 4.2% (31/743), and stopped playing
Identifying policy gaps in a COVID-19 online tool using the five-factor framework (Publications)
quantitative results. Third, in-depth interviews were held with healthcare providers and authorities (n = 5) that were privy to the tool. Framework analysis was adopted using the five-factor framework as a lens
High prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis in a desert population: results from an exploratory study around the Ounianga lakes in Chad (Publications)
overall S. haematobium prevalence using urine filtration was 39.1% (95% CI 33.2% – 45.1%), with 51.5% of the infected suffering from heavy infection. The intermediate host snail of S. haematobium ( Bulinus
Cervical cancer in women living in South Africa: a record linkage study of the National Health Laboratory Service and the National Cancer Registry (Publications)
78,687 women had non-infection related cancer. About 40% (n = 20,063) of those with CC and 28% (n = 5,667) of those with non-infection related cancer had a known HIV status. The median age at CC diagnosis