Prevalence of bovine tuberculosis and risk factor assessment in cattle in rural livestock areas of govuro district in the southeast of Mozambique (Publications)
intradermal tuberculin test. The overall apparent prevalence was estimated at 39.6% (95% CI 36.8-42.5) using a diagnostic threshold cut-off according to the World Organization for Animal Health. bTB reactors
Water pipe smoking and its association with cigarette and cannabis use in young adults in Switzerland (Publications)
during the last 52 weeks. Results: Out of 353 volunteers, a total of 204 subjects (mean age 21 ± 3.5 years, 113 males) met the inclusion criteria for the study. A total of 78% (n = 160), 30.0% (n = 55)
Prevalence of atopy and respiratory allergic diseases in the elderly SAPALDIA population (Publications)
to a detailed questionnaire (80% of SAPALDIA 1 participants). Phadiatop results were available for 5,835 participants (men = 2,839/women = 2,996). Prevalence rates of atopy (Phadiatop positive) were 36
Comparison of novel and standard diagnostic tools for the detection of<em> Schistosoma mekongi</em> infection in Lao People's Democratic Republic and... (Publications)
viverrini, hookworm, Trichuris trichiura, Ascaris lumbricoides and Taenia spp. were 50.4%, 28.1%, 3.5%, 0.3% and 1.9%, respectively. In the urine samples, the tests for CCA and CAA detected S. mekongi
Potential impact of climatic factors on malaria in Rwanda between 2012 and 2021: a time-series analysis (Publications)
temperature and rainfall thresholds influenced malaria incidence across Rwanda. Average temperature of 18.5 °C was associated with higher malaria risk, while temperature above 23.9 °C reduced the risk. Rainfall
Spatio-temporal distribution of <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</em> complex strains in Ghana (Publications)
We found M. bovis to be significantly higher in Northern Ghana (1.9% of 212) than Southern Ghana (0.5% of 2339) (p = 0.020). Using the purely spatial and space-time analysis, seven significant MTBC lineage
Clinical characteristics and outcome of children hospitalized with scrub typhus in an area of endemicity (Publications)
observed include hepatitis (9 of 35 [26%]), severe thrombocytopenia (7 of 35 [20%]), pneumonitis (5 of 35 [14%]), circulatory shock (4 of 35 [11%]), and acute respiratory distress syndrome (3 of 35 [9%])
Large-scale implementation of electronic Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (eIMCI) at the primary care level in Burkina Faso: a qualitative... (Publications)
types of microbes, 9 and 4 out of 21 participants could mention bacteria and virus respectively; only 5 correctly answered that antibiotics had no action on viral disease and 6 mentioned the risk of antibiotic
Mortality of neurological disorders in Tanzania: analysis of baseline data from sample vital registration with verbal autopsy (SAVVY) (Publications)
06% (95% CI: 1.12-3.01). Overall, mortality of ND was estimated with a CSMF of 4.99% (95% CI: 4.40-5.58). Conclusions: The SAVVY survey provides estimates of mortality burden of ND in Tanzania. The study
Clinical evaluation for morbidity associated with soil-transmitted helminth infection in school-age children on Pemba Island, Tanzania (Publications)
BACKGROUND: More than 1.5 billion people are infected with soil-transmitted helminths (Ascaris lumbricoides, hookworm, Strongyloides stercoralis, and Trichuris trichiura), causing an estimated global burden