Effect of an integrated intervention package of preventive chemotherapy, community-led total sanitation and health education on the prevalence of... (Publications)
infection at follow-up. The intervention significantly impacted on reported latrine use (before: 15.5%, after: 94.6%), open defecation in the community surroundings (before: 75.0%, after: 16.7%) and awareness
Adaptation of the CUGH global health competency framework in the Chinese context: a mixed-methods study (Publications)
Population Health, Health Systems, and Healthcare; 4. Major Global health initiatives and efforts; 5. Ethics, Health Equity and Social Justice; 6. Sociocultural, Political Awareness and Policy Promotion;
Etude suisse sur la pollution de l'air et les maladies respiratoires chez l'adulte (SAPALDIA) (Publications)
symptoms of chronic bronchitis (+31%, 10-55%), on FVC (-3.1%; -3.7 to -2.6%), and FEV1 (-1.1%; -1.7% to -0.5%), on the incidence of respiratory symptoms and the length of symptomfree intervals (11% change per
Symptoms in Swiss adolescents in relation to exposure from fixed site transmitters: a prospective cohort study (Publications)
muW/m(2) (1.0 muW/m(2); 2.8 muW/m(2)), 14.4 muW/m(2) (3.8 muW/m(2); 11.0 muW/m(2)) and 16.3 muW/m(2) (5.8 muW/m(2); 13.4 muW/m(2)), respectively. In cross-sectional analyses no associations were observed
Efficacy and reinfection with soil-transmitted helminths 18-weeks post-treatment with albendazole-ivermectin, albendazole-mebendazole,... (Publications)
CI: 28.3-46.8), 34.6 % for A. lumbricoides (95 % CI: 27.3-42.3) and 25.0 % for hookworms (95 % CI: 15.5-36.6). CONCLUSION: The moderate reinfection rates with STHs 18 weeks post-treatment support the concept
Aromatase and breast cancer susceptibility (Publications)
that would predict its functional relevance. We describe a newly identified TTC deletion in intron 5 of the CYP19 gene that is associated with the (TTTA)n repeat polymorphism. Neither this polymorphism
Higher rates of metabolic syndrome among women taking zidovudine as compared to tenofovir in rural Africa: preliminary data from the CART-1 study (Publications)
at a significance level /=35 years, AZT-backbone, NVP-base, BMI > /=25kg/m2 and taking ART for > /=4.5 years were associated with MS in univariate analysis. In the multivariate model only AZT (adjusted
False-negative malaria rapid diagnostic tests in Rwanda: impact of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> isolates lacking <em>hrp2</em> and declining malaria... (Publications)
RESULTS: In comparison to microscopy, the sensitivity and specificity of HRP2- and pLDH-based RDTs were 89.5 and 86.2% and 80.2 and 94.3%, respectively. When the results for both RDTs were combined, sensitivity
Safety, immunogenicity, and preliminary clinical efficacy of a vaccine against extraintestinal pathogenic<em> Escherichia coli</em> in women with a... (Publications)
times higher, O2 titres were 9.4 times higher, O6A titres were 4.9 times higher, and O25B titres were 5.9 times higher (overall p /=105 colony-forming units per mL), the number of vaccine serotype UTIs did
Functional assessment of the left atrium by real-time three-dimensional echocardiography using a novel dedicated analysis tool: initial validation... (Publications)
82, P < 0.001). LA(max) and LA(min) were lower by RT3DE than by CT (95.0 +/- 44.7 vs. 119.8 +/- 50.5 mL, P < 0.001 and 58.1 +/- 41.3 vs. 83.3 +/- 52.6 mL, P < 0.001, respectively), whereas LAEF was measured