Biomarkers of host response predict primary end-point radiological pneumonia in Tanzanian children with clinical pneumonia: a prospective cohort study (Publications)
end-point pneumonia and non-end-point pneumonia with 93.3% sensitivity (95% confidence interval 76.5-98.8), 80.8% specificity (72.6-87.1), positive likelihood ratio 4.9 (3.4-7.1), negative likelihood ratio
The effect of iron-fortified complementary food and intermittent preventive treatment of malaria on anaemia in 12- to 36-month-old children: a... (Publications)
amodiaquine and no dietary intervention (n = 127); group 4: both CF-FeFum and IPT (n = 124); and group 5: consumption of porridge, an iron-fortified CF with the composition currently on the Ivorian market
Task shifting to non-physician clinicians for integrated management of hypertension and diabetes in rural Cameroon: a programme assessment at two... (Publications)
(-10.9 to -13.9; p < 0.0001). Among diabetic patients (n = 79) FPG decreased by 3.4 mmol/l (-2.3 to -4.5; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The integration of hypertension and diabetes into primary health care of NPC
Questionnaire-based approach to assess schoolchildren's physical fitness and its potential role in exploring the putative impact of helminth and... (Publications)
and Ascaris lumbricoides in 167 children with complete parasitological results was 84.4%, 74.9%, 54.5%, 14.4% and 1.2%, respectively. High infection intensities and multiple species parasite infections
A high-resolution geospatial surveillance-response system for malaria elimination in Solomon Islands and Vanuatu (Publications)
were also generated within each provincial SDSS identifying geographic areas to conduct response. 82.5% of confirmed cases were automatically geo-referenced and mapped at the household level, with 100% of
Over-diagnosis of malaria by microscopy in the Kilombero Valley, Southern Tanzania: an evaluation of the utility and cost-effectiveness of rapid... (Publications)
apparent malaria prevalence based on microscopy was 74%. If similar rates of over-diagnosis are assumed, 5,285 patients of the 6,769 patients positively diagnosed with malaria using microscopy were likely given
Modeling the public health impact of malaria vaccines for developers and policymakers (Publications)
routine infant immunization in 40 African countries over a 10-year period. Assumed purchase price was $5 per dose and injection equipment and delivery costs were $0.40 per dose. RESULTS: The model projects
<em>IL-33</em> polymorphisms are associated with increased risk of hay fever and reduced regulatory T cells in a birth cohort (Publications)
(rs928413, rs1342326) was performed by MALDI-TOF-MS in 880 out of 1133 PASTURE/EFRAIM children. In 4.5 years old German PASTURE/EFRAIM children (n=99) CD4+ CD25high FOXP3+ Tregs were assessed by flow cytometry
The AvecNet Trial to assess whether addition of pyriproxyfen, an insect juvenile hormone mimic, to long-lasting insecticidal mosquito nets provides... (Publications)
clinical malaria incidence measured by passive case detection in a cohort of children, aged 6 months to 5 years. Anaemia and parasite prevalence will also be measured in children during cross-sectional surveys
Quality control in the diagnosis of <em>Trichuris trichiura</em> and <em>Ascaris lumbricoides</em> using the Kato-Katz technique: experience from... (Publications)
rates of false-positive results were observed; 0.35% (n inverted question mark= inverted question mark5) for T. trichiura and 0.28% (n inverted question mark= inverted question mark4) for A. lumbricoides