Incidence and consequences of damage to insecticide-treated mosquito nets in Kenya (Publications)
because of damage. The estimated median lifetime of the LLINs was 2.9 years, but this was extended to 5.7 years in the counterfactual without physical damage. Nets that were in use were more likely to be
Maternal drinking behaviour and co-exposure from smoking during and after pregnancy in relation to the neurocognitive function of school-children in... (Publications)
during pregnancy and reduced child's spatial working memory (beta: -0.59; CI: -1.02; -0.15). Heavy (> 5 cigarettes per day) gestational smoking was associated with lowered child's learning in memory (beta:-1
Malaria eradication requires more than magic bullets (Page)
most recent figures on prevented cases and deaths, and the numbers are stunning. From 2000-2021, 1.5 billion malaria cases and 7.6 million malaria deaths have been averted. This should be a strong motivator
Co-occurrence of common chronic infections and common non-communicable diseasess in rural and urben C (Projects)
Study protocol, standard operating procedures, ethical approval and preparation of field work (Months 1-5) Phase II: Conduct of field work (Months 6-10) Phase III: Data analysis and reporting (Months 11 and
One Health: Connecting Humans, Animals and the Environment (Page)
Dates: to be announced ( email me when I can join ) Location: Online Duration: 6 weeks (weekly study: 5 hours) Language: English Educators: Jakob Zinsstag , Esther Schelling, Bassirou Bonfoh Target Group:
Night-time screen-based media device use and adolescents' sleep and health-related quality of life (Publications)
Health Survey. HRQoL was estimated using the KIDSCREEN-10 questionnaire. RESULTS: Over two-thirds (71.5%) of adolescents reported using at least one SBMD at night-time, and about a third (32.2%) reported
Effect of schistosomiasis on the outcome of patients infected with HIV-1 starting antiretroviral therapy in rural Tanzania (Publications)
or immunological failure. In CAA-positive patients, 22.7% (20/88) died or were LFU, compared to 29.5% (110/373) of CAA-negative patients (hazard ratio (HR): 0.76, 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.47-1.22
Transportation noise exposure, noise annoyance and respiratory health in adults: a repeated-measures study (Publications)
applying random intercepts at the level of the participants. Prevalent respiratory symptoms ranged from 5% (nocturnal dyspnoea) to 23% (regular cough/phlegm). Transportation noise annoyance, but not Lden, was
Dramatic decreases of malaria transmission intensities in Ifakara, south-eastern Tanzania since early 2000s (Publications)
consisted entirely of Anopheles arabiensis, while An. funestus included 84.2% An. funestus s.s., 4.5% Anopheles rivulorum, 1.4% Anopheles leesoni and 9.9% with unamplified-DNA. Anopheles gambiae were
Feline calicivirus and other respiratory pathogens in cats with Feline calicivirus-related symptoms and in clinically healthy cats in Switzerland (Publications)
infection. In healthy cats, intact reproductive status (22.2 [1.85; 266.7]) and group housing (46.4 [5.70; 377.7]) were found to be associated with FCV infection. Based on an univariable approach, FCV-suspect