Association of pesticide exposure with neurobehavioral outcomes among avocado farmworkers in Mexico (Publications)
Global Severity Index (GSI) (IRR = 1.89, 95% CI:1.36, 2.75) scores, whereas higher concentrations of 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol (TCPy, metabolite of chlorpyrifos) were associated with lower GSI scores (IRR = 0
Relation between circulating CC16 concentrations, lung function, and development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease across the lifespan: a... (Publications)
concentration, p=0·0014) and ECRHS-Sp (2·4 mL/year, p=0·023); the effect in SAPALDIA was marginal (4·5 mL/year, p=0·052). Low CC16 concentration at baseline was also associated with increased risk of incident
Assessing and managing wounds of Buruli ulcer patients at the primary and secondary health care levels in Ghana (Publications)
compared to 40% at the SHC center, where the majority required split-skin grafting (75%) or excision (12.5%). Only 9% of wounds at the PHC center, but 50% at the SHC center were complicated by bacterial infection
Advances with the Chinese anthelminthic drug tribendimidine in clinical trials and laboratory investigations (Publications)
school-aged children using a rigorous diagnostic approach found a cure rate against hookworm of 76.5%. A single oral dose of tribendimidine showed only low cure rates against Trichuris trichiura (23.9-36
Gender and hearing aids: patterns of use and determinants of nonregular use (Publications)
durations of ownership of their current aids, in women fitted with their first aid in the previous 2 to 5 yr, and in women older than 65 yr. CONCLUSIONS:: Overall, the present study provides evidence of ge
Effect of vitamin A supplementation on morbidity due to <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> in young children in Papua New Guinea: a randomised trial (Publications)
by intention to treat. FINDINGS: The number of P. falciparum febrile episodes (temperature > or = 37.5 degrees C with a parasite count of at least 8000/microL) was 30% lower in the vitamin A group than in
Influence of MMR-vaccinations and diseases on atopic sensitization and allergic symptoms in Swiss schoolchildren (Publications)
(GMT) lU/ml (95% Cl) 2.8 (2.0-3.9) vs. 1.2 (1.0-1.4), mumps: GMT PE/ml (95% Cl) 16.3 (13.9-19.1) vs. 8.5 (6.1-11.7). With respect to atopic sensitization similar associations for exposure by natural MMR-infections
Local and foreign authorship of maternal health interventional research in low- and middle-income countries: systematic mapping of publications... (Publications)
29.9 % of modelling studies (44/147), and 33.2 % of articles in journals with an Impact Factor > /=5 (61/184). Sub-Saharan Africa authors led 54.2 % (538/993) of studies in the region, while 73.4 % did
Risk factors associated with the epilepsy treatment gap in Kilifi, Kenya: a cross-sectional study (Publications)
associated with negative attitudes about epilepsy (1.10, 1.03-1.18) and taking of AEDs for longer than 5 years (3.78, 1.79-7.98). INTERPRETATION: The sensitivity and specificity of self-reported adherence
Cost effectiveness of seasonal intermittent preventive treatment using amodiaquine & artesunate or sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine in Ghanaian children (Publications)
(IPTc) involves the administration of a full course of an anti-malarial treatment to children under 5 years old at specified time points regardless of whether or not they are known to be infected, in areas