Fine-scale-mapping of <em>Schistosoma haematobium</em> infections at the school and community levels and intermediate host snail abundance in the... (Publications)
for a S. haematobium infection than those attending a school located > 2 km away (odds ratio [OR]: 5.0; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.3-11.1). Individuals living in a house located < 1 km away from HWCSs
Multiparasitism and intensity of helminth infections in relation to symptoms and nutritional status among children: a cross-sectional study in... (Publications)
of 51.0% and 43.3%, respectively. The prevalence of Schistosoma mekongi in the surveyed children was 5.6%. Multiple species helminth infections were recorded in 40.4% of the study cohort. Morbidity was
A cluster-randomized controlled trial to assess the effectiveness of using 15% DEET topical repellent with long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs)... (Publications)
households with five people/household were needed to observe a 24% treatment effect at the two-tailed 5% significance level, with 90% power, assuming a baseline malaria incidence of one case/person/year.
Comparison of diagnostic methods for the detection and quantification of the four sympatric <em>Plasmodium</em> species in field samples from Papua... (Publications)
by qPCR was 40.9% and 65.7% respectively. This compares to 43.8% and 73.2% by nPCR and 47.1% and 67.5% by PCR_LDR_FMA. P. malariae and P. ovale prevalence was 4.7% and 7.3% by qPCR, 3.3% and 3.8% by nPCR
Low quality of routine microscopy for malaria at different levels of the health system in Dar es Salaam (Publications)
Over-diagnosis was massive, with many false positive results reported as very low parasitaemia (1 to 5 parasites per 200 WBC). RDTs should replace microscopy as first-line diagnostic tool for malaria in
Drugs for treating urinary schistosomiasis (Publications)
follow up and three to 12 months. Egg reduction rates were improved with praziquantel (over 95% versus 5.3% to 64% with placebo). Mild to moderate adverse events were recorded in two trials. A comparison of
Aminoindoles, a novel scaffold with potent activity against <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> (Publications)
However, parasites recrudesced by day 9. Dosing at 200 mg/kg/day twice a day resulted in cures of 3/5 animals. The compound had comparable activity against P. falciparum blood stages in a human-engrafted
Ultrastructural comparison of the midgut epithelia of fleas with different feeding behavior patterns (<em>Xenopsylla cheopis</em>, <em>Echidnophaga... (Publications)
both sexes of E. gallinacea and T. penetrans. b) Some single regenerative cells or nests, containing 5-10 cells per section plane, lay at the base of the epithelium (2-3 cells or nests per cross section
Low quality of routine microscopy for malaria at different levels of the health system in Dar es Salaam (Publications)
Over-diagnosis was massive, with many false positive results reported as very low parasitaemia (1 to 5 parasites per 200 WBC). RDTs should replace microscopy as first-line diagnostic tool for malaria in
Advances with the Chinese anthelminthic drug tribendimidine in clinical trials and laboratory investigations (Publications)
school-aged children using a rigorous diagnostic approach found a cure rate against hookworm of 76.5%. A single oral dose of tribendimidine showed only low cure rates against Trichuris trichiura (23.9-36