Genotyping methods to distinguish <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> recrudescence from new infection for the assessment of antimalarial drug efficacy: an... (Publications)
were performed at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute in Basel, Switzerland between May 5, 2020, and Aug 23, 2021. FINDINGS: H-CE using msp1 and msp2 and TADS revealed the highest sensitivity
Efficacy and safety of emodepside compared with albendazole in adolescents and adults with hookworm infection in Pemba Island, Tanzania: a... (Publications)
clinical trial comparing emodepside and albendazole. Participants in the emodepside group received six 5 mg tablets of emodepside (totalling 30 mg) and one placebo; participants in the albendazole group received
Antenatal care quality and detection of risk among pregnant women: an observational study in Ethiopia, India, Kenya, and South Africa (Publications)
cific ANC completeness indices that measured provision of 16 to 22 recommended clinical actions in 5 domains: physical examinations, diagnostic tests, history taking and screening, counselling, and treatment
Use of index testing to close the gap in HIV diagnosis among older people in Rwanda: analysis of data from a public health programme (Publications)
(1.07-3.37) for partners who were 15 years older than the index case compared with partners who were 5 years older or younger. INTERPRETATION: Partners of people with newly diagnosed HIV, older individuals
Influence of testing modality on bioefficacy for the evaluation of Interceptor® G2 mosquito nets to combat malaria mosquitoes in Tanzania (Publications)
unwashed Interceptor((R)) G2 among An. arabiensis was lowest in hut tests at 42.9% (95% CI: 37.3-48.5), although this increased to 66.7% (95% CI: 47.1-86.3) by blocking hut exit traps so mosquitoes presumably
Harmonization of human biomonitoring studies in Europe: characteristics of the HBM4EU-aligned studies participants (Publications)
metabolites of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The children's group consists of 50.4% boys and 49.5% girls, of which 44.1% live in cities, 29.0% live in towns/suburbs, and 26.8% live in rural areas. The
High seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among Ethiopian healthcare workers (Publications)
confirmed patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection. The overall seroprevalence was 39.6%. The lowest (24.5%) and the highest (48.0%) seroprevalence rates were found in Hiwot Fana Specialized Hospital in Harar
Epidemiology of <em>Schistosoma mansoni</em> infection in Ituri Province, north-eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (Publications)
79), lack of latrine in the household (OR 2.00, 95% CI 1.11-3.60), and swimming (OR 2.53, 95% CI 1.20-5.32) and washing (OR 1.75, 95% CI 1.10-2.78) in local water bodies. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results
Switch Either near Suppression Or THOusand – switch to second-line versus WHO-guided standard of care for unsuppressed patients on first-line ART with... (Projects)
90% power to detect a difference of 35% in viral resuppression between the groups (assuming two-sided 5% alpha error). Primary analysis followed a modified intention-to-treat set with loss from care, death
Brucellosis Prevention and Control Activities in Afar and Somali Regions of Ethiopia (Projects)
segregation and elimination program to decrease the burden of Brucellosis among the community (year 3-5) Assess the circulating strains of Brucellosis in animal and humans among Afar communities Strengthen