Housing conditions and respiratory health in children in mining communities: an analysis of data from 27 countries in sub-Saharan Africa (Publications)
between mining operations and the prevalence of symptoms related to ARI in children under the age of 5 years was observed (OR: 0.78, 95% CI: 0.29–2.07). Conclusions Mines impact known risk factors for ARI
The ‘death rays’ that never were (Page)
research on the topic”, says Röösli. Many of them can be found among the signatories listed on the website 5G Appeal, for example. “If you regard anyone with a doctorate as a researcher, then there are indeed [...] topic”, he says. But it does make him nervous “when people talk utter nonsense – such as how Covid and 5G are supposedly connected. That’s when I feel responsible to set things straight”. However, for several
CARAMAL | Swiss TPH Malaria Projects (Page)
al: Effectiveness of rectal artesunate as pre-referral treatment for severe malaria in children under 5 years of age: a multi-country observational study. BMC Med 2022, 20(1):343. https://doi.org/10.1186 [...] Tshefu A, et al: Acceptability of pre-referral rectal artesunate for severe malaria in children under 5 years by health workers and caregivers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria and Uganda.
Expert Committee Memberships | Scientific and Policy Advice (Page)
Occupational Risks for the Update of the European Code Against Cancer, 5th edition, International Agency for Research on Cancer (ECAC5, IARC) Scientific Committee 8-1 and Program Area Committee Nonionizing
Incidence of depression in relation to transportation noise exposure and noise annoyance in the SAPALDIA study (Publications)
(0.90, 1.91)] and the categorical cumulative risk [(RRtriple- vs. zero-source > /=45 dB: 2.29 (1.02, 5.14)], and remained stable to noise annoyance. Transportation noise level and noise annoyance may jointly
Efficacy and safety of acoziborole in patients with human African trypanosomiasis caused by <em>Trypanosoma brucei gambiense</em>: a multicentre,... (Publications)
reached in 159 of 167 patients with late-stage gambiense HAT (mITT population) and 98·1% (95·1–99·5) reached in 159 of 162 patients (evaluable population). Overall, 155 (75%) of 208 patients had 600
Modified World Health Organization (WHO) tunnel test for higher throughput evaluation of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) considering the effect of... (Publications)
between membrane-50 and rabbit-100, by B&A. The mean difference was 9.06% (-11.42-29.64) for BSF and -5.44% (-50.3-39.45) for M72. Both membrane-50, rabbit-50 and rabbit-100 predicted the superiority of
Incidence of depression in relation to transportation noise exposure and noise annoyance in the SAPALDIA study (Publications)
(0.90, 1.91)] and the categorical cumulative risk [(RRtriple- vs. zero-source > /=45 dB: 2.29 (1.02, 5.14)], and remained stable to noise annoyance. Transportation noise level and noise annoyance may jointly
The effect of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> exposure and maternal anti-circumsporozoite protein antibodies on responses to RTS,S/AS01E vaccination in... (Publications)
lower antibody response and protective efficacy in infants aged 6-12 weeks compared with children aged 5-17 months (for whom this vaccine is recommended). We aimed to study the effect of previous Plasmodium
Efficacy and safety of acoziborole in patients with human African trypanosomiasis caused by <em>Trypanosoma brucei gambiense</em>: a multicentre,... (Publications)
reached in 159 of 167 patients with late-stage gambiense HAT (mITT population) and 98·1% (95·1–99·5) reached in 159 of 162 patients (evaluable population). Overall, 155 (75%) of 208 patients had 600