The effect of <em>Plasmodium falciparum</em> exposure and maternal anti-circumsporozoite protein antibodies on responses to RTS,S/AS01E vaccination in... (Publications)
lower antibody response and protective efficacy in infants aged 6-12 weeks compared with children aged 5-17 months (for whom this vaccine is recommended). We aimed to study the effect of previous Plasmodium
Organizations that bring science to impact – new actors for sustainable development? (Page)
and acknowledges the role of academia in the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development (SDG 17) [5]. Higher education institutions have a central role promoting sustainability. Photo: Joachim Pelikan [...] the future we want: UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014), Final report. [5] UNGA. (2015). Transforming our world: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Retrieved from
Digital System for a Better Health Care Management of Refugees (Projects)
covering for the time being the integrated management of childhood illnesses of children aged 2 months to 5 years. More than 12’800 consultations were made using the CDSS. The CDSS covering the management of [...] covering for the time being the integrated management of childhood illnesses of children aged 2 months to 5 years. More than 12’800 consultations were made using the CDSS. The CDSS covering the management of
Fighting parasites in a conflict-torn place (Page)
away. The population has no other option but to flee. In Ituri province with a total of an estimated 5.3 million inhabitants, there are an estimated 1.7 million internally displaced people. In Bunia alone [...] when it was built by the Belgian colonizer in 1958 for and estimated 30,000 people (today Bunia has 1.5 million inhabitants. Only rich people in the city centre have access to this water, the others rely
“It is a privilege to be able to bring science to the bedside” (Page)
that we can now test the candidate in a broader population of people affected with malaria who weigh 5kg or more. The KALUMA trial is being conducted by Novartis in 14 countries across sub-Saharan Africa [...] partnered with Novartis to test a new formulation of Coartem for neonates and infants weighing less than 5 kg (following positive CALINA study results, the data have been submitted for regulatory review). It
Helminth Drug Development (Page)
different species of parasitic worms, including whipworms, hookworms and roundworms. Worldwide, more than 1.5 billion people are infected with at least one soil-transmitted helminth, with most of the infected [...] programs for soil-transmitted helminthiasis and schistosomiasis in Ogun State, Nigeria. PLoS One . 2024;19(5):e0302509. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0302509 Related Topics Helminths Related Activities Basic Research
SAPALDIA_fr (Page)
tout récemment SAPALDIA4 en 2017. Un cinquième volet de l'étude est actuellement en cours: SAPALDIA5. SAPALDIA était initiée pour étudier spécifiquement l’effet à long terme de la pollution de l’air sur [...] les facteurs liés à la fréquence et au recours aux services médicaux ou à l’aide sociale. SAPALDIA5 : Pour l'enquête SAPALDIA actuelle, deux séries de questionnaires seront envoyées à tous les participants
SAPALDIA_it (Page)
SAPALDIA3 (2010) e SAPALDIA4 (2017). Attualmente è in corso la quinta edizione di SAPALDIA (SAPALDIA5). L’obiettivo di SAPALDIA Ultimi risultati della ricerca Direttrice dello Studio Nicole Probst-Hensch [...] fattori che determinano il ricorso (e la frequenza) ai diversi servizi sociali e sanitari. SAPALDIA5 : Per l'attuale inchiesta SAPALDIA, due serie di questionari saranno somministrati a tutti i partecipanti
Spring Symposium 2019 (Page)
(SDC’s Medical Education Reform Project, Kyrgyzstan) 14:45 Coffee Break (optional topic corners) Session 5 – Outlook Moderator: Helen Prytherch, Swiss TPH, Switzerland 15:15 Transformation in the Age of Dig
Spring Symposium 2018 (Page)
Clinical Decision Support and Health Information Systems – Potential and Pitfalls of New Technologies 25 April 2018, Swiss TPH Spring Symposium Verein Borromäum, Byfangweg 6, 4051 Basel, Switzerland N