Support Project for the Health Districts in Chad - Phase II (Projects)
according to RGPH 2009) and children under 5 years (+/- 20.20%). – Marginalized populations : poor (undefined criteria, therefore non-countable), nomadic (+/- 3.5% at the national level), islanders and located [...] selon RGPH 2009) et enfants de moins de 5 ans (+/-20,20%). – Les populations marginalisées : démunis (critères non définis donc non dénombrables), nomades (+/-3.5% au niveau national), insulaires et situées
Support Project for the Health Districts in Chad - Phase II (Projects)
according to RGPH 2009) and children under 5 years (+/- 20.20%). – Marginalized populations : poor (undefined criteria, therefore non-countable), nomadic (+/- 3.5% at the national level), islanders and located [...] selon RGPH 2009) et enfants de moins de 5 ans (+/-20,20%). – Les populations marginalisées : démunis (critères non définis donc non dénombrables), nomades (+/-3.5% au niveau national), insulaires et situées
Asian Tiger Mosquito (Page)
characterized by a contrasting black and white coloration of the abdomen and legs. With a size of 0.5 - 1 cm it is smaller than most native mosquitoes and are recognisable by the following characteristics: [...] sure that you place the mosquito on a white background, e.g., on a white paper. Place a ruler or a 5-cent coin next to it so that its size can easily be estimated. Make sure that the insect is well lit [...] Brazil and the Swiss-Italian border region. Parasit Vectors . 2017;10:431. DOI:...
World Refugee Day: together we heal, learn and shine (Page)
them to the tool, which covers integrated management of childhood illnesses for children 2 months to 5 years old. The first release of the tool is planned for the end of the training and we are very curious
Open House 2023: Come and visit us at the new Swiss TPH (Page)
workshops given by our scientists and experts. All lectures will take place in seminar rooms 1, 4 and 5. Tours: There is a lab tour on the 2nd floor and an office tour on the 4th floor. Please do not leave
Allg. Übersichtsberichte (Page)
haben, welche gesundheitlichen Folgen die Belastung hat und wie der Stand der Einhaltung ist, Neben den 5 klassischen Schadstoffen werden auch UFP, Russ, und weitere in der LRV regulierte Schadstoffe betrachtet
Do baby-friendly hospitals influence breastfeeding duration on a national level? (Publications)
was 17 weeks, compared with 15 weeks in 1994. The proportion of exclusively breastfed infants 0 to 5 months of age was 42% for infants born in baby-friendly hospitals, compared with 34% for infants born
Cancer Disparities | Research at Swiss TPH (Page)
Disparities Gender and Inequities Cancer is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality: about 1 in 5 people will develop cancer in their lifetime ( WHO ). The causes of cancer are multifactorial and most
One Health (Page)
e has recruited more than 50 fellows (postdocs, PhD and MSc students). …and a structured programme 5 thematic research training programmes from intervention to disease elimination training hubs and the
Medicines Development | Research at Swiss TPH (Page)
elitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) patients in Switzerland: a pilot study. Heliyon . 2024;10(5):e27031. DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e27031 Selected Projects All Projects DAVINCI - Development and