Air pollution and lung cancer incidence in 17 European cohorts: prospective analyses from the European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects... (Publications)
matter (PM) with diameter of less than 10 mum (PM10), less than 2.5 mum (PM2.5), and between 2.5 and 10 mum (PMcoarse), soot (PM2.5absorbance), nitrogen oxides, and two traffic indicators. We used Cox [...] ratio [HR] 1.22 [95% CI 1.03-1.45] per 10 mug/m3). For PM2.5 the HR was 1.18 (0.96-1.46) per 5 mug/m3. The same increments of PM10 and PM2.5 were associated with HRs for adenocarcinomas of the lung of
Harbor and intra-city drivers of air pollution: findings from a land use regression model, Durban, South Africa (Publications)
and 20.9 microg/m(3) for NO2, SO2, PM10, and PM2.5, respectively) as compared to summer (10.5, 2.8, 20.5, and 8.5 microg/m(3) for NO2, SO2, PM10, and PM2.5, respectively). Furthermore, higher levels of NO2 [...] for Air Pollution Effects (ESCAPE) methodology, concentrations of particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), sulphur dioxide (SO2), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) were measured over a 1-year period, at 41 sites [...] variables being important predictors. The R(2) for PM10 models ranged from 52% to...
Distinct effects of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids on beta-cell turnover and function (Publications)
bovine corneal endothelial cells. Exposure of islets to saturated fatty acid (0.5 mmol/l palmitic acid) in medium containing 5.5, 11.1, or 33.3 mmol/l glucose for 4 days resulted in a five- to ninefold increase [...] fragmentation. In contrast, monounsaturated palmitoleic acid alone (0.5 mmol/l) or in combination with palmitic acid (0.25 or 0.5 mmol/l each) did not affect DNA fragmentation. Increasing concentrations [...] reduced by palmitic acid. Palmitoleic acid enhanced the proliferation...
Long-term exposure to low-level ambient air pollution and incidence of stroke and coronary heart disease: a pooled analysis of six European cohorts... (Publications)
8-19.5), we observed 6950 incident events of stroke and 10 071 incident events of coronary heart disease. Incidence of stroke was associated with PM2.5 (hazard ratio 1.10 [95% CI 1.01-1.21] per 5 mug/m(3) [...] increase), NO2 (1.08 [1.04-1.12] per 10 mug/m(3) increase), and black carbon (1.06 [1.02-1.10] per 0.5 10(-5)/m increase), whereas coronary heart disease incidence was only associated with NO2 (1.04 [1.01-1 [...] estimates for PM2.5 and NO2 remained elevated even when restricting analyses...
Association of FEV1 in asthmatic children with personal and microenvironmental exposure to airborne particulate matter (Publications)
microg/m3 1-hr maximum personal PM, -6.0% (-10.5 to -1.4); 30 microg/m3 24-hr average personal PM, -5.9% (-10.8 to -1.0); 6.7 microg/m3 indoor home PM2.5, -1.6% (-2.8 to -0.4); 16 microg/m3 indoor home [...] home PM10, -2.1% (-3.7 to -0.4); 7.1 microg/m3 outdoor home PM2.5, -1.1% (-2.4 to 0.1); and 7.5 microg/m3 central-site PM2.5, -0.7% (-1.9 to 0.4). Stronger associations were found for multiday moving averages [...] carried by subjects; indoor, outdoor home, and central-site 24-hr gravimetric...
Long-term exposure to low-level ambient air pollution and incidence of stroke and coronary heart disease: a pooled analysis of six European cohorts... (Publications)
8-19.5), we observed 6950 incident events of stroke and 10 071 incident events of coronary heart disease. Incidence of stroke was associated with PM2.5 (hazard ratio 1.10 [95% CI 1.01-1.21] per 5 mug/m(3) [...] increase), NO2 (1.08 [1.04-1.12] per 10 mug/m(3) increase), and black carbon (1.06 [1.02-1.10] per 0.5 10(-5)/m increase), whereas coronary heart disease incidence was only associated with NO2 (1.04 [1.01-1 [...] estimates for PM2.5 and NO2 remained elevated even when restricting analyses...
Association of FEV1 in asthmatic children with personal and microenvironmental exposure to airborne particulate matter (Publications)
microg/m3 1-hr maximum personal PM, -6.0% (-10.5 to -1.4); 30 microg/m3 24-hr average personal PM, -5.9% (-10.8 to -1.0); 6.7 microg/m3 indoor home PM2.5, -1.6% (-2.8 to -0.4); 16 microg/m3 indoor home [...] home PM10, -2.1% (-3.7 to -0.4); 7.1 microg/m3 outdoor home PM2.5, -1.1% (-2.4 to 0.1); and 7.5 microg/m3 central-site PM2.5, -0.7% (-1.9 to 0.4). Stronger associations were found for multiday moving averages [...] carried by subjects; indoor, outdoor home, and central-site 24-hr gravimetric...
Geographical variation in the association of child, maternal and household health interventions with under-five mortality in Burkina Faso (Publications)
mortality rates (U5MR) in sub-Saharan Africa. However, the reduction shows considerable heterogeneity. We estimated the association of child, maternal, and household interventions with U5MR in Burkina Faso [...] health interventions with U5MR. The analyses were adjusted for child, maternal, and household characteristics, as well as climatic and environmental factors. FINDINGS: The average U5MR was as high as 128 per [...] the regions with least effective interventions. METHODS: Data on...
Geographical variation in the association of child, maternal and household health interventions with under-five mortality in Burkina Faso (Publications)
mortality rates (U5MR) in sub-Saharan Africa. However, the reduction shows considerable heterogeneity. We estimated the association of child, maternal, and household interventions with U5MR in Burkina Faso [...] health interventions with U5MR. The analyses were adjusted for child, maternal, and household characteristics, as well as climatic and environmental factors. FINDINGS: The average U5MR was as high as 128 per [...] the regions with least effective interventions. METHODS: Data on...
Concurrent spatiotemporal daily land use regression modeling and missing data imputation of fine particulate matter using distributed space-time... (Publications)
(D-STEM) software was developed. We trained the model using daily mean ambient particulate matter ≤2.5 μm (PM2.5) data measured hourly in 2015 at 30 regulatory monitoring network stations within the megacity [...] Iran. Since a substantial amount of measured data were missing (48% of the total number of daily PM2.5 observations), we used the D-STEM to impute missing data and compared the missing imputation performance [...] in MAPE of 28.3%. The spatiotemporal R-squared was 0.73 and the average...