Causes of acute undifferentiated fever and the utility of biomarkers in Chiangrai, northern Thailand (Publications)
(45/200, 22.5%) followed by leptospirosis (15/200, 7.5%) and murine typhus (7/200, 3.5%), while dengue was the leading viral cause (23/200, 11.5%). Bloodstream infections contributed to 7/200 (3.5%) of the [...] the study cohort. There were 9 deaths during this study (4.5%): 3 cases of scrub typhus, 2 with septicaemia (Talaromyces marneffei and Haemophilus influenzae), and 4 of unknown aetiologies. Rickettsioses
Particulate matter and subclinical atherosclerosis: associations between different particle sizes and sources with carotid intima-media thickness in... (Publications)
PM10, 2.10% (95% CI: 0.04, 4.16%) for PM2.5, 1.67% (CI: -0.13, 3.48%) for the vehicular source of PM2.5, -0.58% (95% CI: -3.95, 2.79%) for the crustal source of PM2.5, 2.06% (95% CI: 0.03, 4.10%) for PNC, [...] at higher cardiovascular risk. CONCLUSIONS: CIMT was associated with exposure to PM10, PM2.5 and UFP. The PM2.5 source-specific analysis showed a positive association for the vehicular source but not for [...] exposure remains unclear. OBJECTIVES: We investigated the association of...
Comparing land use regression and dispersion modelling to assess residential exposure to ambient air pollution for epidemiological studies (Publications)
for PM10 and 0.58 (0.39-0.66) for PM2.5. CONCLUSIONS: LUR and dispersion model estimates correlated on average well for NO2 but only moderately for PM10 and PM2.5, with large variability across areas. [...] Pollution Effects (ESCAPE) we explored the differences between LUR and DM estimates for NO2, PM10 and PM2.5. METHODS: The ESCAPE study developed LUR models for outdoor air pollution levels based on a harmonised [...] estimates at the residential addresses of participants in 13 cohorts for...
Long-term exposure to air pollution and cardiovascular mortality: an analysis of 22 european cohorts (Publications)
oxides (NO2 and NOx); particles with diameters of less than 2.5 mum (PM2.5), less than 10 mum (PM10), and 10 mum to 2.5 mum (PMcoarse); PM2.5 absorbance estimated by land-use regression models; and traffic [...] for particle mass and cerebrovascular disease mortality; for PM2.5, the hazard ratio was 1.21 (95% confidence interval = 0.87-1.69) per 5 mug/m and for PM10, 1.22 (0.91-1.63) per 10 mug/m. CONCLUSION: In
Outdoor air pollution and risk for kidney parenchyma cancer in 14 European cohorts (Publications)
n with higher PM concentration, e.g. HR=1.57 (95%CI: 0.81-3.01) per 5mug/m3 PM2.5 and HR=1.36 (95%CI: 0.84-2.19) per 10-5 m-1 PM2.5 absorbance, albeit never statistically significant. The HRs in association [...] ns at baseline addresses by land-use regression models for particulate matter (PM10 , PM2.5 , PMcoarse , PM2.5 absorbance (soot)) and nitrogen oxides (NO2 , NOx ), and collected data on traffic. We used
Outdoor air pollution and risk for kidney parenchyma cancer in 14 European cohorts (Publications)
n with higher PM concentration, e.g. HR=1.57 (95%CI: 0.81-3.01) per 5mug/m3 PM2.5 and HR=1.36 (95%CI: 0.84-2.19) per 10-5 m-1 PM2.5 absorbance, albeit never statistically significant. The HRs in association [...] ns at baseline addresses by land-use regression models for particulate matter (PM10 , PM2.5 , PMcoarse , PM2.5 absorbance (soot)) and nitrogen oxides (NO2 , NOx ), and collected data on traffic. We used
Comparing land use regression and dispersion modelling to assess residential exposure to ambient air pollution for epidemiological studies (Publications)
for PM10 and 0.58 (0.39-0.66) for PM2.5. CONCLUSIONS: LUR and dispersion model estimates correlated on average well for NO2 but only moderately for PM10 and PM2.5, with large variability across areas. [...] Pollution Effects (ESCAPE) we explored the differences between LUR and DM estimates for NO2, PM10 and PM2.5. METHODS: The ESCAPE study developed LUR models for outdoor air pollution levels based on a harmonised [...] estimates at the residential addresses of participants in 13 cohorts for...
Particulate matter and subclinical atherosclerosis: associations between different particle sizes and sources with carotid intima-media thickness in... (Publications)
PM10, 2.10% (95% CI: 0.04, 4.16%) for PM2.5, 1.67% (CI: -0.13, 3.48%) for the vehicular source of PM2.5, -0.58% (95% CI: -3.95, 2.79%) for the crustal source of PM2.5, 2.06% (95% CI: 0.03, 4.10%) for PNC, [...] at higher cardiovascular risk. CONCLUSIONS: CIMT was associated with exposure to PM10, PM2.5 and UFP. The PM2.5 source-specific analysis showed a positive association for the vehicular source but not for [...] exposure remains unclear. OBJECTIVES: We investigated the association of...
Long-term exposure to air pollution and cardiovascular mortality: an analysis of 22 european cohorts (Publications)
oxides (NO2 and NOx); particles with diameters of less than 2.5 mum (PM2.5), less than 10 mum (PM10), and 10 mum to 2.5 mum (PMcoarse); PM2.5 absorbance estimated by land-use regression models; and traffic [...] for particle mass and cerebrovascular disease mortality; for PM2.5, the hazard ratio was 1.21 (95% confidence interval = 0.87-1.69) per 5 mug/m and for PM10, 1.22 (0.91-1.63) per 10 mug/m. CONCLUSION: In
Causes of acute undifferentiated fever and the utility of biomarkers in Chiangrai, northern Thailand (Publications)
(45/200, 22.5%) followed by leptospirosis (15/200, 7.5%) and murine typhus (7/200, 3.5%), while dengue was the leading viral cause (23/200, 11.5%). Bloodstream infections contributed to 7/200 (3.5%) of the [...] the study cohort. There were 9 deaths during this study (4.5%): 3 cases of scrub typhus, 2 with septicaemia (Talaromyces marneffei and Haemophilus influenzae), and 4 of unknown aetiologies. Rickettsioses