Meta-analysis identifies seven susceptibility loci involved in the atopic march (Publications)
12q21.3 (OR 1.58; P=5.3 x 10(-9)). Additional susceptibility loci identified at genome-wide significance are FLG (1q21.3), IL4/KIF3A (5q31.1), AP5B1/OVOL1 (11q13.1), C11orf30/LRRC32 (11q13.5) and IKZF3 (17q21)
Meta-analysis identifies seven susceptibility loci involved in the atopic march (Publications)
12q21.3 (OR 1.58; P=5.3 x 10(-9)). Additional susceptibility loci identified at genome-wide significance are FLG (1q21.3), IL4/KIF3A (5q31.1), AP5B1/OVOL1 (11q13.1), C11orf30/LRRC32 (11q13.5) and IKZF3 (17q21)
Ambient air pollution exposure estimation for the Global Burden of Disease 2013 (Publications)
World Health Organization Air Quality Guideline of 10 mug/m(3) PM2.5 (annual average). Between 1990 and 2013, global population-weighted PM2.5 increased by 20.4% driven by trends in South Asia, Southeast Asia [...] measurements from 79 different countries to produce global estimates of annual average fine particle (PM2.5) and ozone concentrations at 0.1 degrees x 0.1 degrees spatial resolution for five-year intervals from [...] Asia, and China. Decreases in population-weighted mean...
Long-term outcome in elderly patients with chronic angina managed invasively versus by optimized medical therapy: four-year follow-up of the... (Publications)
years (range, 1.1 to 5.9 years). At baseline, patients were 80+/-4 years old, 42% were women, and they were designated as being in angina class 3.2+/-0.7, despite their taking 2.5+/-0.7 antiischemic drugs [...] (n=148) strategy. Survival of invasive-strategy versus medical-strategy patients was 91.5% versus 95.9% after 6 months, 89.5% versus 93.9% after 1 year, and 70.6% versus 73.0% after 4.1 years (P=NS). Mortality
Diagnostic accuracy of the InBios Scrub Typhus DetectTM ELISA for the detection of IgM antibodies in Chittagong, Bangladesh (Publications)
of 91.5 (95% confidence interval (95% CI: 96.8(-)82.5) and a specificity (Sp) of 92.4 (95% CI: 95.0(-)89.0), while for convalescent samples the OD cut-off was > /=1.50 with Sn of 66.0 (95% CI: 78.5(-)51 [...] admission samples, the best Sn/Sp compromise was at 1.25 OD (Sn 91.5%, Sp 92.4%) and for convalescent samples at 0.75 OD (Sn 69.8%, Sp 89.5%). A relatively high (stringent) diagnostic cut-off value provides
Size fractionate particulate matter, vehicle traffic, and case-specific daily mortality in Barcelona, Spain (Publications)
we investigated the association between three independent size fractions, coarse (PM10-2.5), intermodal (PM2.5-1), and very fine PMs (PM1), and three health outcomes, respiratory, cardiovascular, and [...] PM10-2.5 was 1.059 (95% CI, 1.026-1.094) for cardiovascular mortality and 1.098 (95% CI, 1.030-1.171) for cerebrovascular mortality. Association with respiratory mortality was only detected for PM2.5-1 at [...] from different sources and the mechanisms of action. We found that increased...
Premature mortality of epilepsy in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review from the mortality task force of the International League... (Publications)
mortality ratio (PMR) of 27.3% (range 5-75.5%) derived from population-based studies. These direct causes comprise status epilepticus, with reported PMRs ranging from 5 to 56.6%, and sudden unexpected death [...] studies yielded 7.1 (range 1.6-25.1) deaths per 1,000 people. The weighted median SMRs were 5.0 in male and 4.5 in female patients; relatively higher SMRs within studies were measured in children and adolescents
Evaluation of giant African pouched rats for detection of pulmonary tuberculosis in patients from a high-endemic setting (Publications)
sensitivity of 56.9% (95% CI 47.0-66.3), specificity of 80.5% (95% CI 72.5-86.9), positive and negative predictive value of 71.3% (95% CI 60.6-80.5) and 68.7% (95% CI 60.6-76.0), and an accuracy for TB diagnosis [...] molecular confirmation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and by clinical data at enrolment and for at least 5-months of follow-up to determine the reference standard. Seven trained giant African pouched rats were [...] for Mycobacterium tuberculosis and 128 (27.3%) were non-TB...
Helminth infections and risk factor analysis among residents in Eryuan county, Yunnan province, China (Publications)
Trichuris trichiura and hookworms was 15.4%, 3.5%, 1.7% and 0.3%, respectively. The seroprevalence of Trichinella spp. was 58.8% and that of cysticercosis 18.5%. The egg positivity rate of S. japonicum in [...] China, including risk factor analysis. We collected stool and blood samples from 3220 individuals, aged 5-88 years, from 35 randomly selected villages in Eryuan county, Yunnan province, China. Stool samples [...] in the 13 known endemic villages was 2.7%, and the corresponding...
Efficacy and safety of artemether-lumefantrine dispersible tablets compared with crushed commercial tablets in African infants and children with... (Publications)
rate. We aimed to show non-inferiority (with a margin of -5%) of dispersible versus crushed tablet. We constructed an asymptotic one-sided 97.5% CI on the difference in cure rates. A computer-generated [...] 3-99.2) in the group on dispersible formulation and 98.5% (97.4-99.7) in the group on crushed formulation. The lower bound of the one-sided 97.5% CI was -2.7%. The most common drug-related adverse event [...] with uncomplicated malaria. METHODS: We did a randomised non-inferiority study on...