Different strategies to overcome the effect of carbimazole on high- and low-dose radioiodine therapy: results from continuous dose-effect models (Publications)
and 128 Gy in toxic nodular goitre. The estimated radioiodine target dose amplification factor was 5.5 for Graves' disease and 3.0 for toxic nodular goitre. CONCLUSIONS: Simultaneous carbimazole reduces [...] Radioiodine target doses between 33 and 839 Gy were applied. Overall, the euthyroidism rates were 16.5% and 64.8%, while the hypothyroidism rates were 37.6% and 14.8% in Graves' disease and toxic nodular [...] goitre, respectively. The success rate with simultaneous carbimazole (median dose...
Effect of a general school-based physical activity intervention on bone mineral content and density: a cluster-randomized controlled trial (Publications)
showed statistically significant increases in BMC of total body, femoral neck, and lumbar spine by 5.5%, 5.4% and 4.7% (all p [...] bone mineral content (BMC) and density (BMD), irrespective of gender. METHODS: Twenty-eight 1st and 5th grade (6-7 and 11-12year-old) classes were cluster randomized to an intervention (INT, 16 classes
Epidemiology of brucellosis, Q fever and Rift Valley fever at the human and livestock interface in northern Côte d'Ivoire (Publications)
Brucella spp. was 5.3%. RBPT-positive small ruminants tested negative by the indirect ELISA. Seroprevalence of Brucella spp. in cattle adjusted for clustering was 4.6%. Cattle aged 5-8 years had higher [...] seropositivity than those aged=4years (OR=3.5). Seropositivity in cattle was associated with having joint hygromas (OR=9), sharing pastures with small ruminants (OR=5.8) and contact with pastoralist herds (OR=11
Long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and risk of leukemia and lymphoma in a pooled European cohort (Publications)
ions of fine particulate matter (PM(2.5)), nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)), black carbon (BC) and ozone (O(3)) at residences. We also estimated concentrations of PM(2.5) elemental components: copper (Cu), iron [...] population. Further, the results showed increased lymphoma HRs for PM(2.5) (HR = 1.16; 95% CI: 1.02-1.34) and potassium content of PM(2.5), which were consistent in two-pollutant models and according to sex
Validity of ambient levels of fine particles as surrogate for personal exposure to outdoor air pollution--results of the European EXPOLIS-EAS Study... (Publications)
optimal measure. Still, in air pollution epidemiology, ambient PM2.5 levels may be more appropriate exposure estimates than total personal PM2.5 exposure, since the latter reflects a mixture of indoor and outdoor [...] as exposure surrogates in air pollution epidemiology, we considered four indicator groups: (1) PM2.5 total mass concentrations, (2) sulfur and potassium for regional air pollution, (3) lead and bromine [...] Furthermore, within-city variability of fine particle levels was...
Traffic-related air pollution and noise and children's blood pressure: results from the PIAMA birth cohort study (Publications)
mass concentrations of particulate matter with diameters of less than 2.5 microm (PM2.5) and less than 10 microm (PM10), and PM2.5 absorbance] at the participants' home and school addresses at the time [...] presented for an interquartile range increase in exposure. RESULTS: Long-term exposure to NO2 and PM2.5 absorbance were associated with increased diastolic blood pressure, in children who lived at the same
Outcomes of antiretroviral treatment programs in rural Southern Africa (Publications)
died, and 1319 (18.1%) were LTFU. At 3 years, the cumulative incidence of death and LTFU were 12.5% (11.5%-13.5%) and 25.4% (24.0%-26.9%), respectively, with important differences between countries as follows: [...] and World Health Organization stage at start of ART are reported. RESULTS: Among 7725 patients, 449 (5.8%) did not return after initiation of ART. During 9575 person-years, 698 (9.6%) of those with at least
Pharmacology of DB844, an orally active aza analogue of pafuramidine, in a monkey model of second stage human African trypanosomiasis (Publications)
during the 300 days of post treatment monitoring, resulting in a cure rate of 3/8 (37.5%) and 3/7 (42.9%) for the 5 mg/kg×10 days and the 6 mg/kg×14 days dose regimens respectively. These DB844 efficacy [...] nervous system (CNS). The pharmacology of a potential orally available lead compound, N-methoxy-6-{5-[4-(N-methoxyamidino) phenyl]-furan-2-yl}-nicotinamidine (DB844), was evaluated in a vervet monkey model [...] Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense KETRI 2537. DB844 was absorbed and converted to...
Prevalence of malaria across Papua New Guinea after initial roll-out of insecticide-treated mosquito nets (Publications)
average of 12.1% (95% CI 9.5, 15.3) in the national sample. More people were infected with Plasmodium falciparum (7.0%; 95% CI 5.4, 9.1) than with P. vivax (3.8%; 95% CI 2.4, 5.7) or P. malariae (0.3%; 95% [...] 95% CI 0.1, 0.6). Parasitaemia was strongly age-dependent with a P. falciparum peak at age 5-9 years and a P. vivax peak at age 1-4 years, yet with differences between geographical regions. Individual
The prevalence of syphilis infection and its associated factors in the general population of Rwanda: a national household-based survey (Publications)
females was 5.9% (95% CI: 3.4-10.0). HIV-infected or concurrent sexual partners was associated with increased syphilis prevalence with aOR = 4.2 (95% CI: 2.5-7.2) and aOR = 4.2 (95% CI: 2.8-6.5), respectively [...] CI: 0.4-0.9)). Women with lower education had a higher prevalence of syphilis (1.2% (95% CI: 0.9-1.5)) compared to others (0.4% (95% CI: 0.2-0.8)). This prevalence among HIV-infected people was six times