Mit Afrika verwurzelt – die Sängerin und der Malaria-Forscher [Radio Broadcast] (Publications)
Nubyas Vater stammt aus Nigeria. Sie besucht ihn regelmässig in seiner Heimat in Lagos. Der Malaria-Forscher Marcel Tanner verbrachte mit seiner Familie viel Zeit in Kamerun und Tansania. Bei Gastgebe
Voices of Youth video project: the process of participatory video production [Video] (Publications)
The video project Voices of Youth aimed at giving Tanzanian youth a voice by empowering them to speak out and to visualize their experiences related to sexuality and teenage pregnancy. Voices of Youth
How important is the angle of tilt in the WHO cone bioassay? (Publications)
BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization (WHO) cone bioassay plays an integral role in the evaluation of the efficacy of long-lasting insecticidal nets as well as insecticides used in indoor residual